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Posts posted by Synthaholic

  1. I really rate this video that covers Karma Police and Street Spirit together with the crowd singback bit in between.

    If only I did not ignore the "Special Guests" billing thinking it was not going to be worth seeing. What a fool I am. I missed possibly the best moment of the festival if this is anything to go by. Next year, the "Special Guests" slots are a must for me.

  2. Message from the front of the ticket page:

    "IMPORTANT! If your registration number appears as "used" then we definitely have a booking under your registration number. It is anticipated that customers will receive their confirmation email within 3-4 hours of making a booking. So please be patient whilst waiting for this email to arrive. Rest assured, if you are attempting to do a booking and it says your registration number is used then you have a booking."

    So that is it ... I have tickets ... yippee!!

  3. I had the same problem --- put in all the details, got to the final page with the debit card number, hit submit, and got a "The amount of traffic exceeds the Web Site's configured capacity ... HTTP Error 503.13 -- Server Error: Web server is too busy" message.

    After trying to submit it again, it threw me back to the registration number page, saying they were all used. So no sitesecure page for the credit card company, and no confirmation the card was OK, and most importantly no confirmation of tickets. So have I got tickets or not?

  4. That number is SeeTickets, because I bought my tickets.

    They asked my registration numbers and were able to call up my address and name, so it must be legit !!

    Someone pretending to be SeeTickets would not be able to do that.

    So I am now sorted --- after the website kept saying there was a card error with my perfectly valid card --- Grrr!!!

    Anyway, now I'm sorted.... yipee!!!!

    Got a confirmation number and everything.

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