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Posts posted by loscfestivals

  1. Just for banter Neil, can you re-affirm your opinion that Theo Walcott will be better than Wayne Rooney? Could do with the laugh again

    What you know about footy you could write on the back of the My Chemical Romance stamp you must have designed the way you stuck up for their R/L disastrous booking.

    You got that one wrong and you know JACK SHIT about football too you Wengerist!!

  2. Sorry, I got confused - when I said the first one, I was actually thinking of the second incident. It's that one where he gets bumped in the back before anything happens with his leg.

    Watch it again. There was contact - in your own words, that's a definite pen. Unless you're wearing heavy blinkers over your own opinions? :lol::lol:

  3. I'm not commenting on the general theme you've put forwards (it's of little interest to me, I'll be elsewhere that weekend), but I'd say you're wrong about MCR (and no, I'm not a fan, I couldn't care less about them).

    I would say it's pretty certain that they're at more of a peak now than they've been previously, based on two particular things - winning both "best album" and "worst album" at the nme awards.

    While "worst album" isn't positive, it does I reckon help prove that they're pretty big. After all, it's nearly always one of the bigger bands that provokes people to vote nasty for them.

  4. Ticketline abolishing their booking fee on Leeds tickets just a week into the onsales is a pretty ominous sign.

    I would imagine Reading would sell out and very soon if the numbers See tickets said they had left were correct, but even last year after re-releases Leeds tickets were not hard to come by and there was a much bigger initial demand. With an increased capacity this year too then I think they could struggle. Sunday tickets for Leeds last year didn't sell out at all either.

    Ticketline would not be abolishing the booking fee if they only had a few left.

  5. At these prices, demand won't be far off meeting supply even in the years where the lineup is a bit special.

    Getting upto £220 now for Camping and Early birds, in 2008 it was just £172 for this. That is a huge increase in price. There has also not been the same difficulty in picking up tickets the last two years, both years loads of tickets have gone cheap. Not just a few on the day or day before the fest for a good month last year there were bargains galore over ebay.

    Loads of other festivals are getting more and more popular. Creamfields sells a shed load of camping tickets the same weekend and although not an obvious rival to Leeds it does share a good number of the same festival goers. Loads of people I know alternate between the two depending on lineup.

    This year the price and the lineup (really how many of those bands sell phenomenal amounts of tickets in 2011?) just doesn't make it value for money. There is no wow factor, it is a very expensive weekend to see something pretty unspectacular.

    If it is all down to the economic climate then why in 09 and last year could they manage instant sell outs, to presumably the same demographic?

  6. He is so obsessed with exclusives but there is very little exclusive about this year. No idea why he is so obsessed with it, just because they are "exlusive" doesn't mean anybody wants to watch them.

    MCR are not exclusive, they are playing TITP (is Scotland not the UK anymore Melvin??) Pulp are not exclusive, they are playing everywhere. Elbow are playing Glastonbury, 2ManyDjs and Beady Eye have other festival slots. Not really that exclusive is it?

    He is really scraping the barrel if he thinks Taking Back Sunday as an original lineup is something exclusive and brilliant that we want to pay 200 quid for. He couldn't even get the band name right.

  7. Can't see the Strokes or MCR days selling too well. GNR day didn't sell out at Leeds last year and it was noticeably quiet on the Sunday (whereas in past years with RHCP and KOL it has been unbearably busy on the mainstage)

    Wouldn't be suprised if Leeds weekend tickets didn't sell out either.

    So my positive would be (if I go) that it won't do any harm at all from the punters point of view this year for it not to sell out, the festivals need a bit more space.

    Will obviously likely impact next years budget if they don't sell out though.

  8. Poor lineup for me.

    Even those that like it surely have to admit some of the bands are a little too high?

    Those still saying it will definately sell out were the same people saying it'll sell out in an hour.

    Well it didn't, and judging by the fact pretty much every agent has tickets left I think there are still a lot left to sell.

    Wouldn't suprise me if Leeds didn't sell out this year, the demand for it the past two years has certainly been on the decline. Didn't sell the Sunday day tickets last year and you couldn't give them away on ebay even though it was "sold out"

  9. Sounds like a geriatric.

    Completely out of touch. Says the fans are ultimately the judge on what they do and appears this year they are saying a big NO Melv.

    Tickets already been on sale longer than any other year in the last 6 with the TWO presales and you can buy everything but Reading early tickets.

    Says it is "appalling" to question MCR headlining??? The same band who aren't headlining elsewhere in the UK, and just came off a half full arena tour?? How the f**k is Reading and Leeds The Strokes natural home??

    Also, the price increase isn't only about VAT because that would be less than a fiver increase and it has gone up £12.50. More bullshit.

    Guy is so smug and full of shit it is untrue, this would have made a very funny spoof!

  10. They have been pretty weak on ebay the last two years, certainly not the demand there use to be for them. I have gone for less than face the last two years.

    Increased capacity + increased prices make it difficult for people to re-sell them. They are still pushing for an increased license again this year for at least Reading too.

    Apart from Reading Early Entry I can't see anything else that is sold out and you can get straight through to buy!

    People voting with their feet over the prices & the lineup rather than the economic climate which will no doubt be the excuse.

    T, IOW, V and Glasto all managed to sell out in no time, but then again they haven't booked a band who were playing half full venues just a full weeks ago and another band who never played arena's, even at their peak to headline ;)

  11. Always enjoyed them back in the day. Whether they should be subbing a major festival 7/8 years on is another matter.

    They will be very good fun though as a one off though, very much doubt I'd go and watch them on tour.

    Shitty clash with Korn? They don't have enough big bands for a clash like that this year imo

  12. After chatting with mates and looking where else we could go, I actually think all of the heavier festivals have had a really hard job this year.

    Look at Rock Am Ring ffs! Coldplay and Kings Of Leon with a similar style undercard to Download. Might work there but he could never do that here.

    I don't think there was anything about and obviously they struggled to nail anything down because it is the end of February now and it has only just come out.

    Best of a bad job I guess but not worth £200 in my eyes and I won't pay it. Problem is, enough people moaning will so the booking styles will never change!

    Going forward, unless some new bands step up to the plate then we are going to get the same bands re-hashed over and over again. There is f**k all coming through that can fill arena's and headline festivals and until that changes then I think we are stuck in this process of rotating headliners every few years.

  13. Absolute joke booking.

    Didn't see anyone asking for a classic rock day. 90% of what Copping writes is just bollocks. I don't even get why he is some kind of public figure either, clearly just craves the attention that he gets. He just writes complete bollocks though, can't wait for all his tickets selling out comments again this year (yeah right!)

    Pretty much everything on that lineup has played before. I like Bullet but they headlined 2nd stage last year and did their biggest ever tour a few months ago and now they are back again.. just overkill on the same bands and it is not appealing. I'm sure on the day if I was there and they were playing I'd be excited but not sure it's worth 200 quid to go and see what I've just seen.

    Even the bands who haven't played before,or haven't played in a while like A7x and Rob Zombie have all toured recently. There is nothing to get me excited. Come the week before if I can pick up at pair for 250 or less on fleabay then I'll probably go but with the prices as they are nowadays there is noway i'm forking out for repeats and acts who've I just seen for a lot less than 200 quid (+at least 150 in fuel,parking, food and booze)

    I think I could have accepted any original headliner, even if I hated them over this. Such a backward booking, I was convinced he wouldn't book a third headliner who has already done it but he goes and picks the most uninspiring of the lot!

  14. Another band would be Pendulum. I personally hate them but I wouldn't be surprised if they headlined at some point. Mumford & Sons packed the NME tent last year too. Band of Horses - given 2 or 3 albums worth - will end up there at some point (they have a Kings of Leon quality about them). Beirut are being pushed quite hard, as are Chase & Status, The Vaccines seem to seeping out of every shit-infested, BBC Radio 6 sponsored orifice, The XX wouldn't go beyond the NME tent, then there's Dizzie Rascal and Tinie Tempah.

    Part of me thinks everybody on here has been way off and we'll get something like Pendulum, Limp Bizkit and My Chemical Romance for the headliners this year. Any of them headliners at other festivals?

  15. I think you need to look at the net spend bit, I'm sure that is what Liverpool were looking at.

    They've paid £60M for two young talented strikers who are only going to get better. Both have a resale value and Carroll comes with the added bonus of being one of the 8 required home grown players. They got £60M for a flop who after a fair few years has done very little and never looked like doing so and another player who has done nothing for 18 months except whingle and moan and look disinterested.

    I actually think getting £50M for Torres is a good deal for Liverpool considering he had been on the whole crap for them for as long a period as he had been good. If they did genuinely only find out about it 3 days ago when he requested to move ( I suspect they moved for Suarez because they knew Torres wanted to go but were only prepared to let him go once a replacement had been sorted) then they did well to get so much for a player who wanted to go and left them in the lurch.

    Carroll and Suarez for Torres and Babel is effectively the deal, ignore the individual fees and I think at worst it is a fair swap all things considered.

  16. If they have booked a band already then it will be somebody who LN have secured the contract for and are already planning a tour for.

    Their main man in the US has already said he expects Avril Lavigne, Glee, Fleetwood Mac and most importantly VAN HALEN to sell a lot of tickets in 2011 for them, so looks like they are on the road and I think a festival will be perfect for them over here and be a good coup. Not sure they'd do the kind of sales they do in the US for a full tour over here but as a one off festival show here it would be a good booking.

    I'm adamant if they've got someone already it will be someone who they've got the full touring rights to and Van Halen are one of those bands.

  17. If he books Soundgarden to headline now then I think they are desperate tbh.

    Either that,or AC is crap at PR.

    He has already said they aren't big enough and there isn't any interest in them. Their compilation album reached number 83 in the charts when released last year which is pityful. Not really a way to sell a festival headliner is it?

    I can't see Soundgarden headlining, but if they get a headline gig it would be at Download I guess and it isn't like every headliner in the past has been big so could happen. Shot himself in the foot saying they aren't big enough though, makes it look really weak and he'll deserve some stick for that.

  18. The Strokes' new album will likely sort of flop. I can see the lead single getting a lot of radio play and the album selling well in the first couple of weeks, but by the time the second single is out the interest will be gone.

    Is This It? was just a great album that came along at the perfect time and they've had to live off the back of it since. The only reason they haven't done anything in five years is because taking a break was the only way they were going to maintain their status. Pulp would be a fair comparative.

    MCR may have completely bombed over the past few months but they're still a huge name and I'd say they'd pull a strong crowd. There'd be far less criticism from the average Reading/Leeds goer than for Arcade Fire.

  19. Doubt MCR will be headlining.

    Their album flopped and they have failed to sell out a single date on their tour.

    Wembley is close admittedly, but thousands of seats left everywhere else and it ain't cos it is expensive (by arena gig standards)

    Their time was 3/4 years ago, it would be a very weak booking sales wise if they did given the interest in their comeback so far.

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