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Posts posted by geordiegooner

  1. It looks like you sort all of that out when paying the balance, From the site-

    The booking site will re-open in Spring 2013 when you will have a week to pay your £155 ticket balance (+ £5 Booking Fee per ticket and £6 P&P per order) and to book everything else you might need, including tipis, campervan tickets, parking and cancellation protection. It will not be possible to pay for a ticket in full today, when only deposits will be taken.
  2. Its of no use to you but i can remember a time back in the day when an hour after the set you could go and purchase it on tape from a stall. The guy had all the tapes with dodgy covers and sometimes the set list on them. I lost my cherished Pixies tape :( Anybody still got a copy :D

  3. *scratches head*

    You know... that doesn't ring a bell... then again they could have been renamed. There are so many kraker venues, it's difficult to keep track.

    Maybe Silo was Silodam?

    They have Pluk de Nacht there in August... they put out loads of deckchairs, rig up a big screen on the side of some shipping containers, and play some pretty eclectic leftfield films into the night. There are also some caravans done out by artists which is quite trippy.

    They have some basic food and drink for sale, and the actual silo turns into a (really good!) club as the night wears on. It really is quite a surreal experience, and well worth going. :(

  4. I left a 9 man tent , 4 sleeping bags , 4 airbeds , 4 broken chairs & 10 pills and 20 beers for the person who had to clean it up , it aint all bad for the volunteers really :( . I will certainly do the same next year again.
  5. I've been to Amsterdam many times but only once for Queens day (something I must rectify!!).

    I throughly recommend it, it's mental. It's the only time (after my first time in the 'Dam) that I ever got lost as it's really hard to work out exactly where you are because of the sheer mass of people.

    On the accommodation front, these guys are worth checking out - http://www.frederic.nl/ nice places on the the edge of the Jordaan & nice, friendly people to boot!!

    How old are you Storm? Can you remember P.H 31 (I think that was the name), an old squat venue beside Vondelpark or Silo (an old grain storage place on the waterfront) ?

    I remember going to Silo for something called the Brain dance party, where they had a stall selling mushroom tea, damania tea and legal highs (but if you asked nicely they could sort you out with even nicer not so legal highs :( ) - good times, probably the best night out I've ever had.

    edted to protect the innocent or not so innocent

  6. There will always be people that have no respect for either themselves or the festival - it is sad (and so are they) and unfortunate, but it is an unavoidable truth - let them do what they do, you do what you do and we can all live happily ever after.

    Personally, I clear every last scrap from my campsite and encourage others around me to do the same - alas, I am but 1 man and if they choose not to listen to me, then f**k 'em - karma will punish them when the time is right ;)

  7. Had some lovely Jerk Chicken from a stall on the drag between the Pyramid and Other stage (was in the same place last year called Y and L's I think). As an added bonus had D&G Grape soda, which tasted like liquid Hubba Bubba as they'd sold out of Ginger beer, it was proper bo I tell thee.

    On a related note, did anyone find the Hummingbird cafe this year? I don't think it was where it normally is, on the edge of the Other stage field. I arranged to meet the Wife & Son there only to find it was gone, very disappointing.

  8. We've used the Bath & Wells Showground the last couple of years. The buses do run from Weds morning onwards to the festival site. On the return, they run all day on the Monday back again to Bath & Wells SG.

    All the drop offs go there, even the taxis form Bristol Airport, in my experience it takes about 1.5 to 2 hours from being dropped off, to the moment getting dropped off at the festival site bus station. It can take a little longer on the back on Monday, worse part is waiting for the buses (especially on Monday as queue can look horrendously long if you get there after lunch) but you always get there in the end.

  9. Yeah, they're on at The Queens Head on Sunday night. Great band live, saw them at the Cluny in Newcastle a couple of weeks back. Even through they had real problems with sound (no stage monitors) they rocked the place.


  10. I saw them at Brixton Academy a couple of weeks before Glastonbury last year, I thought they were excellent. Then again I'm a huge fan of the albums so they probably couldn't do anything wrong in my eyes. However it did seem to be consensus of the people with whom I went with including someone who hadn't even heard them on record.

  11. He doesn't give up -

    "hey, this is my 10th glasto, I know what makes a good lineup and this one sucks, I know lineup is only 1/2 the fun but still #twisto #glasto".

    Just goes to prove the old adage- you can't please all of the people, all of the time

  12. The point is that you supported the statement "they can preach what they like as long as the coffee and food are still good".

    I don't know the details of the Common Ground people specifically, but as a general principle I wouldn't buy coffee -- or even accept it for free -- from anyone who was spreading poisonous opinions.

    (Jeez, I had enough moral guilt that time we bought a drink at the Conservative Club during Warwick Folk Festival...)

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