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Posts posted by Aeryn

  1. VERY pleased with the stage split-up, means there won't be nearly as many tough decisions as I thought :D

    With regards to predicting the times, you can kind of guess... the headliners will be on later in the day, so the smaller the font of the band name the earlier they will be on. As for a map of the festival site... if you can find one online for a previous year, it'll probably pretty much be the same.

  2. You can make pukkelpop.be into an english site by clicking 'EN' in the top right-hand corner. And there are booking sites in english too.

    I'm loving the line-up so far; fair few bands I wanted to see plus some old favourites; I get the feeling this year will be loads of fun for me because a lot of my friends are going too. My boyfriend dislikes the lineup though, and doesn't want to go. Ah well, will have to have fun without him this year. I'm 99% certain I'm going at this stage :P

  3. So I wasn't gonna go this year, due to money problems, but I don't think I can miss it.

    Last night I found out that Twin Atlantic may well be playing (they told me when I asked what festivals they were doing this summer). So I think I may just have to go. Pukkelpop's always amazing anyway.

  4. me and my mates are lookin to go next year. am after some tips on travel

    if we fly to brugges how hard/easy is it to get to the festival. or is there a closer airport.

    if so how do we get to the festival from the airport?

    is the festival expensive for food and drink. we were at Sziget this year & a pint of beer was 1.60.

    not fussed about food can go out to get it.

    any tips/ help/advice would be appreciated.


  5. We only watched a bit of Them Crooked Vultures, enough to see what they were like, before heading off to the main stage. We were soaked through from the storm as well xD

    Next year will be the 25th anniversary of Pukkelpop, and apparently it's gonna be pretty spectacular. I'm almost definitely gonna go.

  6. So I heard Placebo will not be playing, as Brian Molko has some sort of virus and fainted onstage somewhere else... something like he's been told to take six weeks' bed rest and they've cancelled the whole of their north american tour. I wonder who'll take the slot if they can't go on...

  7. Going this year again, with my boyfriend this time. Arriving in Belgium on the Tuesday, as a friend was nice enough to offer to put us up for the night and then take us to a train station in the morning. Very excited too, the lineup is pretty great and we haven't found all that many clashes for once. Interested to see who the special act is though, I've heard a few whispers. I love the suggestion that it could be Blur, but that's probably just wishful thinking :huh:

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