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Aunty Social

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Posts posted by Aunty Social

  1. Your best off asking someone with dreads to spread the dread love, chances are they will be delighted to help...I know Iwould be.

    Dreads are VERY easy to do if you follow some simple instructions but they are time consuming to put in at first and so a hairdresser will likely charge you in excess off £100-00 for a full head.

    Mine were done over two days ...then waxed for the first 4 washes and fek all s beendone since really, just the occassional tidy up..



    PM me if you want some helpfull Aunty hints and tips and well make it easy for you and your boi to have a beautiful knotty dread head in a weekend

  2. Ive always wondered, what happens to a sniffer dog when someone shares a flat with a bunch of stoners or someone travelling after having been with their mates at a party etc. coz all their gear must stink of weed *shrugs*

  3. I have had a bit of a Stephen King summer, read The Long Walk (he writes ar Richard Bachman for it) it is an amazing story I read it about three months ago and still miss it.

  4. Favourite author~ Clive Barker when he wrote horror, Phil Rickman, Pratchet and old style ghost stories by the likes of Dickens, James etc.

    Favourite book~ Im currently re-reading Imajica by Clive Barker and it rocks . Next up Everville and The Great and secret Show Im in a Clive Barker frame of mind.

    I buy books and put them on a pile to be read and Im just running out. Im down to Dylans Biograph. Any suggestions for a lover of horror and fantasy (can cope with a little sci/fi thrown in.)


  5. What book are you currently reading? Waldon 2 by the behaviourist Skinner

    Last book read? A Room Of One's Own by Virginia Woolf

    Favourite author? Clive Barker (old stuff), Phil Rickman (ghosty stuff) Peter Straub (has done two perfect stories and been looking for another ever since, but man those two are good.)DNA (didnt get the chance to write much but its top) Dont make me choose.

    Favourite book? The Holistic Detective

    Cant read? Im having trouble with walden 2 at the minute, taken months and its a tiny thin novel...dull.

    and Pratchett damn it...I thought it.

    and Neil Gaimen :( how could I forget him, the mans brilliant.

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