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Posts posted by stu150

  1. I saw Murrayfield tweet that lucky dip tickets can be collected from 10:30am-4pm from gate A then from the AXS tickets from 4pm-9pm.


    Anyone who has bought lucky dip and picked up earlier before - how did this work with hand stamping etc?

    I have two GA standing tickets and two lucky dip tickets. My parents are coming down with me and my mate - my plan was to see what the lucky dip tickets were and if they were any sort of standing to keep them and if they were seating to give them to my folks... I know it’s techincally against the Ts&Cs but figured we might be able to prove it’s genuinely family if we all have ID with the same surname, etc.

  2. Perhaps they might be mixing it up and having different acts on different dates it that is the case.

    Blossoms are playing a festival in Holland and one in Denmark on the Saturday - so that would probably rule them out for the Saturday & potentially Sunday too.

    Buzzcocks are playing the Margate Rock & Blues festival on Saturday - depending on set times I guess they could do two shows.

    Public Enemy are free but it would mean they were doing shows 5 days in a row if they did all dates.


    The suspense for the support is killing me. 



  3. I wasn't meaning there was anything wrong with the beach boys playing - I just meant it seemed to be quite a random act to have on the list - as with the Smith's - I would be quite happy if they played, but if Morrisey is to be believed a reunion will never happen.

    I wasn't aware Shaggy was back on the scene


    I still think the Spice Girls would be quite a strangeact to have on any lineup

  4. For the artist survey I put:


    David Bowie

    The Rolling Stones

    Fleetwood Mac




    Carl Cox

    Depeche Mode

    Duran Duran

    Elton John


    Kula Shaker

    Realistically I dont think more than 3 of them will play.

    Always amazed at some of the random choices they have - The Smiths

    The Spice Girls

    The Beach Boys


    It's almost as if they put an iPod on shuffle and just see what comes up.

  5. I don't think I'll be back.

    The site felt far to small for the number of people there - especially for the event not being sold out - would hate to imagine if it was.

    Heard stories of campers being turned away as the campsite was too full. People camping in firelanes was a bit dangerous too.

    Inside the arena it was like feeding time at the zoo. Folks pushing down fences to get into tents that were already over capacity.

    Enjoyed Thursday & Friday though.

    Saturday was too much and headed home first thing Sunday - would have tried to get home on Sat night had we not heard of all the chaos outside.

    Maybe I'm just getting a lot older (haven't camped since 2013) but this year felt like a huge number of young folk just running riot.

    Heaps of the security folk were as drunk as the punters, and no one had a clue what was going on on where anything was. No one could tell us where the shuttle bus to Gleneagles was or if it even existed, no one knew where to get taxis.

    Never again. Been about 7 times over the past 10 years but deffo feel this is my last.

    May go down for a day if the lineup is amazing, I'm guaranteed good weather and the venue gets sorted out but otherwise that's it.

  6. Yeah - It all depends on the driver - some of them let you smoke.


    Some of them you have to offer them cash just to drink.


    Even if they don't let you smoke they'll normally stop a few times on the way - where you getting the bus from?

  7. I've used Happy Bus more times than I'd like to count (think it was 05/06 I started using them)


    Never had any issues, we've always been allowed to drink on the bus (however sometimes have to bribe the driver)


    Some of them have even offered to hide things in the glove compartment for getting past police checks (think this was either for Rockness or Creamfields)

  8. We have to remember - it was only a few years that tickets went super fast.

    I think T 2004 was the first year it sold out prior to the festival.

    Then tickets sold out on "main sale day" from 05-09 (I think)

    It was still selling out before the festival in 2011 - I think Beyoncé was announced after it had already sold out.

    Hasn't sold out 2012-2015 - may just be a coincidence but I feel this was when the lineup started going more downhill (Stone Roses excluded)

    I think they have put on a more smart price festival this year - purely to recoup some of the costs associated with the move. I don't know if I'd go as far to say they would be making a loss on it - there is still quite a bit of sponsorship (BBC prob pays for TV/Radio rights. Tennents are a major sponsor. Sure??? Are randomly sponsoring King Tuts)

  9. If you're a magners drinker then it isn't that much more expensive than the supermarkets. Think the Tennents is quite dear.

    Also think it's a god send getting cold drinks on Sat & Sun - especially if it's hot.

    Saying that - I do still take tins with me - just use be chilled to lighten the load a bit.

  10. I didn't enjoy his set.

    Would rather he had played the entire song when it was a duet with the other vocals just played than skip chunks of songs like he did. Just kind of felt like he was doing half a song then moving on.

    Also felt like a lot of his "singing" was pre-recorded with him just standing about.

    Thought the whole thing was just a massive ego trip for him.

    I just don't think I "get" Kanye West.

  11. They have big billboards up with all the times on them - take a photo of them and use that?

    But yeah - you won't find out until you're actually there unless there's a production leak again - which if I remember correctly T had issues with efests about them being posted.

    Personally if I'm there all weekend I quite like a lanyard.

  12. Opening hours for Be Chilled:


    Thur 9th July


    Fri 10th July


    Sat 11th July


    Sun 12th July


    Suggest picking up at night for morning? Unless you plan on sleeping late

  13. Anyone know if there's any information anywhere on shuttle busses from Gleneagles train station to T?

    Grudging the fact city link are charging £33 for the bus from Aberdeen-Dundee (Aberdeen to T is £55 and Dundee to T is £22)

  14. If thats your argument for IOW, why did that not sell out then? IOW manages to book similar acts to T, but they have to put them in higher slots for example James and You Me At Six being third down whilst at 5th and 6th down. T is much stronger in its appeal to the most likely demographic to attend.

    It doesn't sell out for various reasons - partly because the festival market in the south of England is saturated competition wise, and partly because of the additional costs involved in getting to the Isle.

    T has no real competition in Scotland and still can't sell out.

    I'm just passing comment on the fact prior to the change in direction they used to sell out every year - the fist time they sold out well in advance was I believe 2004 then from like 2006-2011 it was a chore getting tickets.

    In your opinion why did the festival stop selling out (keeping in mind it used to sell out at increased prices every year and they've held ticket prices for the past few years and not sold out)?

  15. Prodigy headlined IOW this year.

    Noel played/headlined a couple of years ago

    Kasabian have also played both numerous times in the past.

    Blur have headlined both

    Stone Roses have headlined both

    So I think they as acts go they are/were quite similar.

    The comparison was due to the fact that Isle of Wight & T had similar style lineups they would have a mix of current and "legendary" headliners - In 2004 they both booked Bowie to headline, unfortunately, he only headlined Isle of Wight. IOW have chosen to continue down this path - whereas T have gone down a more EDM/current lineup.

    In my opinion had T continued to have the big older acts they would still be selling out today - getting tickets for T used to be stressful and it would sell out in under an hour - now the event doesn't sell out. I think if they went back to older style lineups more tickets would be sold and there would be lot more repeat customers. The "T faithful" they used to go on about.

    Obviously lineups are subjective - but I can count more acts per day at IOW I would love to see than I can over the whole weekend at T.

    To be honest if I wasnt already in it for so much (tangerine fields, tickets, travel, etc) I prob wouldn't bother going. I'm sure I'll still have an awesome time there just isn't a "wow" act for me this year. All the headliners (except possibly Avicii) have played at least one show in Scotland over the past year (I guess the Libs would be my wow act had I not seen them at the Barras last summer)

  16. Also can't help feeling we're having the odd hour or so of music nicked from us here and there:

    Back in 2007 when it was the first Friday of music - the music started at 4 (believe it was Lilly Allen) the a couple of years they made a big deal out of making Friday a "full day of music" - which I seem to think started at 12 -this year on the T site it says Friday music starts at 2pm.

    Last year the late license Saturday may have been a one-off - however they implied that it wasn't by having the "co-headliners" again, with a similar guitar-y then dance-y set up.

    There's also been no mention of campsite entertainment/sunset strip. It just says "arena entertainment ends"

    Maybe we'll get some clues with the map - but I'm not holding out much hope for anything amazing.

    Does anyone know if we can view the entertainment license online somewhere? Would be interested to see what has been approved.

  17. I'm thinking this will be my last year - there's very little on the lineup for me this year - I was hoping for older acts along the lines of Charlatans, Weller, Inspirals, etc from last year.

    Been watching IOW highlights and all I can say is I either wish it was closer, there was a Scottish equivelent or T had went down this route instead of the one they have chosen.

    Crazy to think that a decade ago they would book acts like The Who, Bowie, REM to headline - acts who were hardly current at the time - and have instead decided to swap a "legendary" act for a DJ headlining the main stage (if rumours of Avicii's fees are true they're probably spending around the same amount of money)

    Dont think I'll be back unless there's a blinder of a lineup.

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