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Posts posted by tobnac

  1. Have sold both my grown up tickets but still have an infant ticket to give away - is anyone's nipper in need of a ticket? (and if you also wanted to buy a now redundant pair of ear defenders in fetching yellow, all the better!)

  2. I would worry about selling tickets on ebay for face value for sold out events - I wouldn't want to inadvertantly sell to a tout, and for them to whack it straight back on for a profit. That's why selling via forums is good - you can tell (I think) who's genuine.

  3. I have 2 adult and one infant ticket to sell. Really gutted not to be able to go - looks like we'll be moving house that weekend.

    GeordieMartin has first dibs on one of the grown up tickets - if anyone wants to buy the other let me know. Of course the infant ticket is free, but it'd be convenient if it went to the same person.

    Will do by post if necessary, but even better (quicker and cheaper) to do in person in London, Brighton or Lewes. I'm after face value plus any costs, but can't be bothered with Ticket Trust.

    I get to keep the fridge magnet though. Call it a consolation.

  4. The Ticket Trust looks a bit of a faff to be honest. For a start you have to do it through paypal, second you have to post the ticket trust your actual tickets, and finally you have to wait until after the event has finished to get paid.

    I’m unfortunately going to have to sell my tickets (looks like we’ll be moving house on EoTR weekend), but would much rather just do a cash sale in a pub, or even a cheque in the post than fiddle around with sites like ticket trust.

    If ticket trust want more takers I suspect they’ll have to pay for tickets on receipt (and accept the risk of failing to sell them on), and they’ll have to offer a range of payment methods.

    I don’t think the failure of Ticket Trust to have a single ticket for any events is because everyone wants a profit (I hope not), I think it’s because it’s not easy enough.

  5. No, not a Lykke Li fan as far as I know. He mainly likes anything with harmonica in it.

    I think he's too small for earmuffs so will avoid going too near the front. I'm resigned to this being a very different festival experience from before!

    No, not a Scot, picked up wain from my dad, who's a Geordie. (though I'm now told it should be spelled wean). Good point about the cool evenings, will def bring ample ruggage.

    Thanks all for comments and keep em coming!

  6. Hullo all. Mrs Tobnac and I are festival veterans, but 2011 will be our first with a wain. He'll be exactly a year old when we come to EoTR - does anyone have any general tips on festivals with a sproglet, and advice on EoTR in particular? Cheers!

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