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Posts posted by BigMouthStrikesAgain

  1. I'm in IT so spend much of my time being used as a doormat by technically clueless users. Also work for one of the worst, laziest, Public Sector shitholes you can imagine, but fortunately will be leaving in a week to work for a proper organisation and will have a view from the Liver Building!

  2. I'm a big Radiohead fan so had no problem with them playing the new stuff. I did however think some of it was patchy to say the least. Good Morning Mr Magpie was the best of the new stuff live and up there with most of t he rest of their back catalogue. The new song sounded superb, the rest of the stuff off In Rainbows, Amnesiac etc sounded very good. Not the best I've seen them but I wouldn't have been anywhere else at that time. I would have liked to of seen them play 2 or 3 off Hail to the Thief though. I really like King of Limbs so I'm looking forward to seeing them again once they are fully familiar with playing it live.

  3. Yes believe it or not I really enjoyed my first Glastonbury. I didn't make the most of Shangri La because I'm very claustrophobic and those alleyways are a bit crowded and enclosed for me (yes I know I'm a pussy). Other than that though I had a quality time. Watching the sun set from the top of the stone circle on Wednesday whilst getting smashed, Radiohead, B.A.D, U2, Eels, Elbow, Big Boi, Pieminister, that chicken dinner stall, that band playing tetris, I could go on. Class.

  4. It was my favorite performance I've seen from any band. Everything was perfect. Loved seeing a band who've grafted their nuts off for 20 years get the recognition they deserve and love it as much as I would. Special performance from a special band.

  5. Hold on a sec! This will be my first Glasto. You mean to tell me you can't just piss anywhere and have to use toilets? What about pissing in a pint cup and hoying it in the crowd like you're allowed to do at Leeds Festival? What on earth have I let myself in for? Next you'll be telling me nobody shouts 'bollocks' at the top of their voice all the time or sets fire to other people's tents.

  6. I already have a ticket for Glastonbury but I will be trying in the resale for some friends who are registered. If I get through and want to buy 3 tickets will the money come out of one bank account or can I enter in bank details for each one of them 3 people? I only ask because my mate is adamant that the money has to come out of one bank account.

  7. Hello, this year will be my first Glasto. My mate has been banging on about the opening of Shangri La (for each night not for the whole festival) saying it's something special and that Saturday is the main night for it. I'm leaning towards having my mind blown by the Chemical Brothers on the Other stage though.

    What's everyone on here's thoughts?

  8. QUOTE (BigMouthStrikesAgain @ Feb 11 2010, 03:01 PM)

    I don't want a so called bigger band to headline on Saturday. There's no band in the world I'd rather see live at this minute in time than Muse.

    You are either a child or a retard. Which is it?

  9. Yeah, It's not like they're The Smiths!! Now there's a band worth being obsessed with. For me at least. I never really listen to them anymore, however, but I'd always say they were my favourite band ever. That is what I think Radiohead have done to a lot of their fans. They've become a habit as opposed to a real love.

    Pretty much anyone who rates Radiohead as one of their favourite bands ever (particularly if they're including the last few albums or are under 25 years old) doesn't have a valuable opinion about anything they do now because they've already blindly given their heart to anything Radiohead do (or don't). Like me with Morrissey and The Smiths.

    I once claimed that "Kill Uncle" was a brilliant album that rivaled anything brought out around the same time. I still think that, actually. But then I am still obsessed with Moz.

  10. Make sure you're online ten mins before the exact time the tickets go on sale - with a good broadband connection and your registration number - and you have a good chance. Get refreshing.

    Plus, there's a mailing list run by a member of this site alerting if any tickets go on sale unannounced. Search back old threads and join this.

  11. Absolutely amazing, setlist was spot on except for Jeremi not being there but you can't have everything. Highlight - the drum solo halfway through Evenflow just before the last chorus, 2 minutes of leathering the drums and then it all fitted back into the song perfectly.

    When are they playing the UK again? I want more.

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