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Posts posted by washwell

  1. I'd say definitely do it - been taking my little girl since she was 5 and she was at her 5th Glastonbury this year - more than her mum !! They'll have a ball, but you'll need to be prepared for a different festival experience as you will have to sacrifice a lot of the things you may want to do. Still having said that, I've seen loads of different kinds of music with my little one, and I still have an abiding memory of her on my shoulders belting out 'Keep on Rockin in the Free World' - that'll live with me for ever.

    Never know it might do your reputation as a parent some good as well - my now-11 year old was approached twice this weekend by randoms telling her that in years to come she will come to realise how cool her parents were for taking her to Glastonbury - not convinced she believes that now, but here's hoping for the future.

    In terms of camping, head for Wicket Ground family camping on a Thursday - there's always tons of room all weekend, it's got a really chilled out family vibe, and the campsite crew are awesome !

  2. My 9 year old daughter is convinced she stood next to Justin Bieber by the mixing desk watching Elbow - he had a Spring Ground Disabled Camping wrist band on - I 'm not totally convinced it was him !

  3. Family camping should be just that - for families with kids with the added security that goes with it. But Is there an argument for some 'quiet' camping fields that could be for those who want a good night's sleep and don't want the all night parties?

  4. We will be arriving on the Wednesday morning but our friends with kids are unable to get there until Friday. Will we be allowed to set up camp in the family field on the Wednesday or will they turn us away as their will only be two adults for the first two nights?
  5. Neil Young has kind of passed me by but after Friday night I'm converted - what a powerful performance - mind blowing. Had my 7 year old daughter with me and she loved every minute of it - she hasn't stopped signing 'Keep on rockin in the free world' since we got home !

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