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TimmyP's Mobile Disco

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Posts posted by TimmyP's Mobile Disco

  1. Best: Walking in to a tent to get out of the rain and finding that everyone was doing karaoke to Sweet Caroline. Just brilliant totally wasn't expecting it and ended up staying for a couple of hours singing silly songs.

    Worst: Not being able to make it to the chemical brothers in 2007 as the rain and mud had so dampened my spirit I couldn't face walking that far from the back of the main stage. I ended watching the Who, hated them, sat on a plastic sofa which pooled water under my bum and then my kagoul decided to stop working. That experience nearly made me not try for tickets the next time.

  2. completely agree with you here.....i think she tries too hard to be something different.....;dont get me wrong if im hammered on a night out i will dance to her songs (there isnt much i wont dance to when drunk lol) however when im sober apart from a couple her songs do my head in.......maybe its overplay i dunno lol

  3. I saw her Club Dada a couple of years ago and she went down well. She is one of the biggest acts around so I can definitely see her being up there towards the top of the list. However I won't be there if she is.

  4. The Banyan Tree Cafe with all the battered sofas. Remember having one of the best days there. We turned up and some kid was tentaively picking out the chords to Sweet Home Alabama half an hour later and loads of musicians had turned up and had made up a full band with everyone in the crowd singing away - magic. Was also the first place we saw Mik Artistik now one of the people we always see at Glasto

  5. i'd love to see some of these: Prince, Elton John, Bob Dylan, Foo Fighters, Rolling Stones, Eminem, Madonna.

    I see Arcade Fire's name being bandied around a lot - I can't see them as anything more than a middle of the line up - am I missing something? OK they have good tunes but there are not exactly massive in the U2 Coldplay style are they. It would surely have to be a BIG leap forwards for them.

  6. Yet another addition to the falling over story. I was wearing my boots which are so much better than wellies but still by the John Peel where the mud was ridiculous I got stuck several times. One time some random chap fought his way to me from near the bar across to me, offered me his hand and pulled me free. He then disappeared with barely enough time for me to thank him. Fantastic

  7. I arrived in W36 at 2am thinking omg there are a lot of cars here already. I went for a walk to talk to the stewards who informed me that the queue was already enormous. We realised that it was heading up towards our car so we decided to sleep for a while. We woke at about 7.15 when the queue started to move. We finally made it through gate D at about 9.30 having endured the rain halfway up the big hill. Not at all impressed other than the fact that I could steal past all the people struggling up the hill with their golf trollies. Little organisation from the steards and it is ridiculous that people sat in queues all night but if they open the car parks on Tuesday then people are going to turn up then. The question is - Do we and the festival organisers prefer waiting in queues in the fields or in the roads on Wednesday morning?

  8. I think that htere should be more variety in the late night events. If you aren't interested in dancing the night away then there is very little choice. You've got silent disco and rabbit hole in the Park - all dance orientated then there is Arcadia and that lot are all involved in dance music. Nowhere is there somewhere you can listen to rock or folk music or actual disco. The only place I found with some variety is the Bimble Inn and that is tiny. Maybe there should a be a rock club or Arcadia spends one night just playing 70s disco.

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