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Posts posted by Tomleeds

  1. Gonna slightly change my prediction:

    Bad Religion

    Sick of it all

    The Bronx

    A Day to Remember (playing main stage and lock up)

    Four Year Strong


    RX Bandits

    Big D and the kids table


    Star f**king Hipsters

    Trash Talk

    Reel Big fish

    Against Me!



    Hot Water Music


    Sonic boom Six

    The Flatliners

    Cobra skulls


    The Skints

  2. What you reckon?

    I'm gonna go:

    Bad Religion

    Sick of it all

    The Bronx

    A Day to Remember

    Four Year Strong


    RX Bandits

    Big D and the kids table


    Star f**king Hipsters

    Trash Talk


    Against Me!


    Hot Water Music


    Catch 22

    Sonic boom Six

    The Flatliners

    Cobra skulls


    The Skints

  3. But as far as I'm concerned Paramore are absolutley no more alternative than JLS. Paramore are produced by the person that has masterminded Paris Hilton's musical carear, they are close friends with Miley Cyrus, their music is in no way alternative. I am in no way knocking anyone that likes them, this is only my opinion, and I accept there is a fairly large chance now that we will see them at Reading.
  4. Well its certainly true in Pearl Jam's case. Anyone who was at Pearl Jam's headline set in 2007 knows it was a special moment in the history of Reading and Pearl Jam.

    The others i'm guessing, but i know i'm right :lol: (Grohl and Homme say its the best festival crowd in the world, that's fact). Its all about Reading for the bands. Its older, larger, more famous, more history. Did Nirvana give one of the greatest festival performances of all time at Leeds? No! Because it didn't exist. It was only created as a marketing gimmick for mean fiddler and Carling. And i bet you KoL wouldn't have cared as much if they had nailed their Reading performance but messed up their Leeds gig.

    To be honest though i think the difference is when the Reading crowd gives love then there's little to rival it (e.g. bringing Vedder to tears), but they're also not scared to tell a band when they're crap or plain old not wanted. Leeds just sat back and left fifty cents feed them his pathetic gangster rap. Reading pelted him with hate until he got off their stage.

    A band has to earn the respect of the crowd at Reading. There's only one group in charge at Reading as KoL found out on Friday, and that's the punters, and that's how it should be.

    (BTW, i've been to both Leeds and Reading, Leeds is great but there's no mistaking which one the bands care more about)

  5. .... for crap commercial indie bands who have no respect for their audience. Ask the big boys like Pearl Jam, Metallica, RATM, Pumpkins, Maiden, etc who has the best crowd and I guarantee you that not only will they say Reading, but they probably won't even remember that they had to play something called the 'Leeds Festival' to meet contractual obligations.
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