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Posts posted by Snufflebutt

  1. If I was doing my dissertation again I'd do it on those doing research. The Exit Through the Giftshop of academic literature. If the OP is still here, I'm just wondering about ethical protocol regarding people posting about a topic that you have made - do you still have to make sure that those contributing to the topic are ok with you using stuff they have written? Just curious cos my postgrad was on research methodologies but every university is different of course?

  2. Nah, the guys I knew really aren't suitable for her.

    What did she say when you asked on the night? I'll just wait to you 2 start texting & flirting again and ask her when it feels comfortable and the right moment.

    Edited because I'm paranoid!

  3. I have been telling her friends that it's best just to play match maker and find a boy for her but they don't want to go there as it leads to trouble and the last couple of my friends she met was just far too different.

    I got a text the other day saying thanks for stepping in and talking to her (bit just avoiding saying if she was really ok in general or not) on that night.

    I would say the whole 'matchmaking' thing with friends and all that isn't the way to go in this case, and mostly in general. It is apparently true that most long term relationships come out of friends of friends - but i'd be willing to bet that such meetings are kind of by chance - at parties and stuff. Maybe ask her to come out with you when you are going out with other friends that she hasnt met?

    Right, wee bit of advice needed about second date protocol. I had the most amazing first date last night. Talked for hours - quickest 5 hours ever which is always a good sign. But I stupidly asked her 'so am I getting a second date then' - a totally useless question cos no matter what happens she'll say 'yes' not to hurt my feelings. But she seemed like she was enjoying herself? We texted a bit late last night and have vowed not to text her again unless she texts me (it's so difficult!)

    When is it good to ask for a second date, do you reckon? I'm terrified of pestering her because I know that my female friends hate it when a guy does it

  4. I have to wonder if we will get to a situation where there will be whole swathes of industries which pay absolutely nothing at all whilst a small number of people at the top cream the profits. For example journalism - many people are quite happy to work for free writing stuff to get experience. Its entirely conceivable that job losses at newspapers have been offset by many very capable interns working for free. Same could well happen to shelf stacking at Tescos I suppose. It's a very slippery slope. In principle I'm not dead against the idea but even entry level jobs at places like Tesco are like hen's teeth - I've been told that the only realistic way to get a job at a supermarket is if its a new opening.

  5. I don't think we should attach too much meaning to the 'personality' part of the award title. It's the least awkward way to title the award without using titles that have indicate gender (sportsman etc) If you have a great, overwhelming achievement in a particular year then you'll win it (generally)

    But really, those are probably the best 10 imo. It has nothing to do with gender. Only one I'd argue with is Andy Murray - he's not done a fantastic amount this year by his standards. I might have nominated Alistair Brownlee or Kerri Ann Payne in his place.

    Where do we stop though, should the BBC make sure there are disabled, black etc etc athletes on the shortlist? No, but if they are good enough they should be. What I've found most infuriating is the BBC saying they will review the nominations process for next year - its a fantastic system and extremely transparent. I hate it when the BBC hears a bit of whining from the Daily Mail or whatever and completely changes its position on issues.

  6. Yeah, thats right, nothing horrendously bad could have happened. I'll definitely give it a go for next time. If nothing else, it has boosted my confidence a bit. It's the whole thing about putting the 'pussy on a pedestal' I think. I'm just scared of being creepy I suppose - but I should just grow a pair.

    Oh and thanks guys!

  7. Why do they think you're gay? Is it because you dance with them without following up with a chatup? How do they react when you tell them you're not gay?

    Are you sure they're not just trying to find out if you're interested? And ruling out gay/taken?

    In a club, the way I dance. I dont tend to go up and dance with girls anyway. Its more they approach me, I'm assuming thinking I'm gay and not a threat. I get that a lot, even out with clubs, people thinking I'm gay. It only bothers me if it stops girls who might otherwise have been interested, not being interested.

    Well the girl a couple of weeks ago, having danced with her, said to me 'please tell me you're gay.' So, in my mind after that, I basically gave up pursuing her. But she stayed with me after I said I wasnt gay and danced with me, hell she even bought me a drink. I really don't know.

  8. ^why aren't there more posts like that instead of people having trouble pulling.

    Simple answer, because nightcrawler just chatted to the girl sitting beside him on the train. I don't have the balls to do that, without looking like a creep. A very heartwarming tale though and has cheered me up no end.

  9. This is a rant, I think I probably just need to get this written down as a sort of cathartic exercise, so never mind me.

    So was out with a girl from POF last night, we had been texting for ages. I actually loved the text conversation as well. But when I met her, all she wanted to do was talk about herself. Like, what she was saying was interested (and tbh I'd rather listen to someone than talk about myself) but needless to say there was no chemistry. I'm just so disappointed at the moment. It's like I don't know what else to do.

    But it seems to me though that POF is ideal for me for a number of reasons. Meeting girls is a problem for me because in my experience, they just think I'm gay. Especially when I go out to clubs this is a problem. I do normally go out with girls and am not one for moping around the side of the dancefloor. I get girls dancing with me occasionally, but invariably they ask me 'So you're gay yeah.' In other words they arent interested and just want to dance with me because they think I wont make a move on them or see me as a temporary wingman.

    Obviously POF takes away this problem, but its also soul destroying. I learnt last night that you can't guage chemistry texting/ messaging online, and that seems to be the currency that makes relationships work. It's a catch 22 situation. I'm 23, havent had a girlfriend since I was 17 and really need to get a move on.

    I suppose in short, I need to find a way to meet girls without risking them thinking I'm gay and then seeing me as a friend. But at the same time, I don't want it to look like I'm a creep acting like I'm gay to get close to girls (which I'm not, its just the way I am)

  10. The bit about the world cup thats really fucking me off is the simple fact that my club (Leicester) has 12 players out (first teamers for the most part, and one bench player) and yet we still have to play the second best club in the league (saracens, they finished SECOND in the actual league afterall..) who have 2-3 out...

    how is that in anyway a level playing field? how does that benefit me and the other 13000 leicester season ticket holders by watching my 2nd and a half team (what with the 7-8 players out long term injured too) get stuffed by sarries first team? indeed how does it benefit the league when the whole thing is skewed towards teams (like sarries) who're just full of mercenary south african thugs instead of producing talent to the home nations... (ok, so we have 2 argentinians, an italian and a samoan out too)

    apparently Leicester wanted to play the LV cup during the world cup period (a sensible suggestion i'd say) but were shot down by the other 9 premiership clubs.

    it aint just leicester either, saints are really struggling due to actually generating good home nations prospects as opposed to buying in...

    ok, rant over, but its a situation thats going to rear its head again come 6 nations time, the clubs like leicester and saints that produce good home nations talent are penalised for producing good home nations talent whereas the likes of the soulless saracens succeed by buying success!

  11. How realistic is it for you to stay in academia? Many uni's are do Phd's and you work as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for a bursary (at Salford it's 13k with fee waiver). A hell of a commitment I know, but an option for many.

    The career path I am taking has an experience requirement. We can only apply for the Masters/Doctorate when we have completed our degree and we need to have gained approx a years experience in the field in between. I

  12. In part it may depend on the subject in which you have a masters. May daughter has a first in politics and a masters in International Development and worked for five months on a relief project in Cameroon. So far since returning to the UK all she's been offered are unpaid internships.

    We're going to have the world's best qualified bar staff.

  13. So I've just finished my Masters and am looking for an internship to give me experience in the type of role that I want. But I've applied for loads of internships and the most common complaint about my applications that I don't have enough experience in the kind of role that I want. The frustration is that some of these internships are funded under the guise of giving graduates experience, yet they are rejecting applicants for not having enough. Just so so frustrating. I'm looking at roles involving social research, think tanks, pubic policy and stuff like that.

    Went back to one of the employers and said I'd work for free. I do know that there might be money in it eventually, and I went for a chat previously and the interviewer said she thought I was very good but there was no funding available. But it just means I'll be working god knows how much with my shitty paying job in a restaurant. So I suppose, what I'm wondering is, is there an alternative? And how should I play the meeting with the guy to discuss what I can work in the unpaid job?

  14. They're not brought up to compromise in the way girls are. Girls are brought up to put others first, boys are brought up to put themselves first.

    (huge generalisation there, I've been fortunate enough to meet 2 males who are extremely sensitive, considerate, and sensitive to others, and I also have 3 sons, who hopefully display the same traits, and I hope I've done my bit to break the cycle. )

    There is a massive amount of truth in this. In fact, the socialisation of genders has a lot to answer for in my opinion. Whilst men and women have probably been no more equal than now, certain expectations are placed on how each gender should behave. Everyone was laughing about that couple bringing up their child as having no gender but they have a point, to a certain extent. My only problem with doing such a thing is that ideas about gender are so, so entrenched that it will become too difficult for them to bring their child up in the way they want - which could become confusing.

  15. Is it just me or are men really inconsiderate and selfish a hell of a lot of the time?

    Hmm, as has been mentioned before, this isn't a 'man' thing, but an 'inconsiderate and selfish person' thing. Women can be just as bad.

    Going out with a girl, first time I've been out with someone for years. Feels amazing. Really like her, dunno why anyone would prefer being single. Though it is very early days.

  16. found out girlfriend has been having an affair for the last 6 weeks this morning

    currently trying to pack up all my stuff, though i broke my elbow, wrist and knee on saturday so it's not the easiest of tasks...

    i know it will get easier, but right now it doesn't feel that way :(

    People that have affairs make me so angry. Feel for you mate.

  17. I could not disagree more. What seems to be getting brushed aside here are the sentencing guidelines and taking in all the factors i.e. aggravating and mitigating as well as personal circumstances and probation reports.

    Posting on Pervbook is entirely different to standing in front of a crowd shouting "GET INTO 'EM". A short sentence with x amount suspended would send them a signal not to do it again. Admittedly the Crown Court are tied with the minimum sentence as it has been brought from the Magistrates but even so. Where is the justice?

  18. Hmm, you get 4 years for mugging with a weapon and also GBH with intent with a non serious injury. I'm not sure on reflection the crime they committed was necessarily much less severe than those two. The riots have caused loss of life, however indirectly. You can get up to 10 years for what they did.Getting 6 months in jail for stealing a bottle of water is far more nonsensical, especially considering how good our prison system is at creating more crime.

    I think the 2 guys from Glasgow and Dundee about to stand trial for similar offences might be slightly concerned....

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