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Posts posted by Eddache

  1. Mine went sent to my house but no-one was there to sign for it at the time. They left a calling card but instead of allowing me to call up and arrange re-delivery, the tickets were sent back to See Tickets and I was told I had to pick them up from the box office. I called See Tickets and they said I will get a call when the tickets arrive back at See Tickets and I can arrange to redelivery then. Absolute hassle since I may not receive the tickets until possibly Monday. Cutting it real fine.

  2. It'll depend on the announcement for the Lock-Up stage at Reading. Assuming it's Friday and Saturday, the headliners could be a clash for me. I wouldn't be too upset to sacrifice seeing Guns 'N Roses depending who's headlining the Friday but the Saturday headliner could be a big clash as I'm really looking forward to seeing Pendulum again. If NoFX headline the lock-up on Friday, then I can just catch them on the main stage and still see GnR. But, in a way, I'm dreading to see who's announced for the Saturday!

  3. Shame about the campfires in a way but I'm pleased something is being done to tackle the rioting. Drunken prats are easily distracted but I dread to think what would happen if a fire lost control in the fields.

    You're right this won't stop rioting since it's become simply a matter of fact on Sunday nights. But at least if there's more measures in place to put the fires out, it'll reduce significant risks. Now we just need something to stop the prats from purposely falling into/breaking tents.

    Where's the source for the no campfires after 8pm bit? I couldn't find it on the main website but I may have been looking in the wrong place.

  4. Bit of a long shot but I wonder with Sonisphere announcements, tour dates etc, could Fightstar get top spot on the Lock Up one day? They're heavy enough and now have quite a good following after their last album and were immense on the main stage last year, if not a bit low down on the day too. If they're there on Friday, def them over Axl Rose and his fakers
  5. I'm very happy. I won't lie and say "I couldn't have asked for anything better" but there's a lot there I'm pleased with (NOFX, Guns N' Roses, Pendulum, Limp Bizkit, Cypress Hill, Paramore, Weezer, Blink 182) and obviously with more to be announced, I'm very much looking forward to it.

    Also, I'm treating Reading this year as my official stag do (getting married in September) so more reason to enjoy myself!

    (Note: If you see a guy naked and chained to a fence somewhere, please untie me)

  6. A double set from NoFX does sound very likely.

    But, I also wonder if this will lead to a lot of bands from the Fat Wreck Chords label filling up the lock-up stage? Mad Caddies? Lagwagon? Randy? I'd cross my fingers for Me First & The Gimme Gimmes but I suspect I'd get arthritis before that'll happen.

  7. In a way it's a fascinating study of how quickly people can descend into primitive tribalism. It's like once they've become animalistic gaining simple pleasures from drumming metal bins to starting huge fires. There must be a part of the brain that normally represses the caveman in people that gets suddenly released with the combination of a lot of people + beer + night-time. I've been going to Reading for 6 years now and although Sundays are always the most wildest and people willingly start burning tents - this was the first Sunday I actually went to bed feeling scared. I worry for next year. If I go next year, that is.

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