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Posts posted by cytoon

  1. Thought the festival was brilliant for its first proper run. The security was full on, I agree with that. Did seem too excessive at times.

    The atmosphere was brilliant though I thought, everyone in good spirits and enjoying the weather and surroundings. Alabama 3 were a fantastic was to finish off the festival as well.

    Hope the secrutiy issue doesn't put some people off next year, I know the organiser well and he'll be looking for and taking on board as much feedback as possible to make next years even better! They really put their all in this year to try and make it a success, and will do it all again next year.

    Spread the word - keep the ball rolling. Square 2009 is going to be another weekend to remember ;)

    Couple of photos I've recently uploaded, plenty more to come.. One looking over Borth and the festival arena from the hill behind http://flickr.com/photos/cytoon/2712957423/sizes/l/

    And Alabama 3's finale on Sunday night http://flickr.com/photos/cytoon/2713757616/sizes/l/

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