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Posts posted by blazingdog

  1. 18 hours ago, AndrewSmith said:

    In here: http://www.rockwerchter.be/en/conditions-of-sale

    Little bit odd if you ask me. Seems really strict!

    Pretty sure this is just for the arena part of the festival site - they also say you can't bring plastic bottles and alcohol under this list which would make for a pretty poor festival! Cans aren't on the prohibited list for the campsite section at any rate.

    2 weeks until we set off for our 10th Werchter in a row. Can't wait :-D

  2. 2 hours ago, lighthouse said:

    The amount of people who still care about millennium rock bands like Linkin Park, Blink 182, Jimmy Eat World, Offspring, 3 Doors Down, Limp Bizkit, Sum 41, Pennywise, Alien Ant Farm and Good Charlotte baffles me. Really. I thought it was a typical german thing (looking at ale these RAR/Hurricane lineups). 

    But I've got the feeling that people only care about these acts because they grew up with them. In that case: I didn't (I kind of avoided this type of music as a kid), and it's really difficult to like this stuff for someone who 'discovers' these bands right now. Fan or not: the things these acts sing about are aimed at teens/adolescents... so it's hard to identify with it. 

    It's a shame that they ONLY program these '00's nostalgia acts' on the saturday main, which makes it kind of one dimensional. If you don't like this type of music, you're screwed. And as it stands now RW doesn't give a great alternative on the others stages. 

    Please don't shoot me down for this post, I just wanted to share this bit. ;-) Feels good. 

    Agree with this totally. Despite being the right age for these kind of bands when they came around first time, I guess I was into other music at the time and this type of millennium rock really passed me by. I therefore find it pretty hard to relate to most of it as a newcomer.

    Hoping that there may be a bit more variety added to the undercard for Saturday (guessing there should still be a couple of barn acts to be announced), otherwise it may be a trip to Leuven to see the Lions match against New Zealand for me - depending what time that kicks off of course :-D

  3. 27 minutes ago, blazingdog said:

    Would love any of Frank Turner, Biffy, The National, Passenger, Maximo Park, the Killers or Belle & Sebastian to be announced today...hmm looks like I've firmly planted myself in the early 2000s indie camp :wacko:

    Not convinced any of that will actually happen but fingers crossed.


    One out of 7 ain't bad :-)

  4. Would love any of Frank Turner, Biffy, The National, Passenger, Maximo Park, the Killers or Belle & Sebastian to be announced today...hmm looks like I've firmly planted myself in the early 2000s indie camp :wacko:

    Not convinced any of that will actually happen but fingers crossed.


  5. I know this a pretty stupid question 'cause it's not set in stone, but what is the weather USUALLY like?

    This is our 8th year in a row and usually it's been pretty hot. Has reached up to 42 degrees according to the outside temperature gauge. Only had a couple of days of rain and even then that's been showery and dried out pretty quickly. Hoping I haven't just cursed us with a muddiest lol.

  6. Hey guys,

    We're looking forward to our 7th Rock Werchter in a row, but were a bit confused about the camping this year at The Hive.

    We normally camp in A2 on the opposite side from the festival park. Am I right in thinking that this year if you have an XL Camping ticket, the only place you can camp is at The Hive on the same side of the road as the festival park?

    We just want to make sure we end up in the right place for our group.

    Can't wait for this - best weekend of the year!

    Many thanks


  7. Hey guys - anyone know of any bar near Werchter that's likely to be showing the Lions game on Saturday morning? I saw someone post something about an Irish bar that might be showing the game? I'm assuming this would mean a trip into Leuven?

    6th Rock Werchter in a row - can't wait!!


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