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Posts posted by TomfromStroud

  1. I visited the kidz field for the first time with my friends and their toddlers. What a truly amazing place to be a child. I don't know how anyone ever gets their young 'uns out of there. Also visited the lost horizons sauna for the first time, which was very relaxing and did fine food.

  2. One moment which made me smile was sitting nude in the sunshine by the fire in the Lost Horizons Sauna listening to a band with my girlfriend (also naked, we're not married), noticing two people joyfully trampolining naked in the distance as a man walked in carrying a rabbit on a lead. My girlfriend turned to me and whispered "Fuck you ISIS."

  3. I had a triumphant moment that feels worth sharing. I was camping with friends and their 18 and 19 month old toddlers in Cockmill which meant fairly early nights and good behaviour all round really. The only moment of any high jinx was Saturday night when the boys went out boozing and came back late. As we walked into our tent area and my friend (who is a doting father to an adorable daughter) threw a steel cup to me which I failed to catch, making a clanging noise.

    I was suddenly confronted by the lady from the neighbouring tent (who I must add was keeping a richly odoured 'wee bucket' for her children in her tent porch). Despite our very considerate behaviour all weekend (she had clearly mistaken us for a noisy neighbouring tent), she angrily insisted that I shouldn't be camping in the area, going off on a monologue and not stopping to listen to my protestations. She went on and on, so I eventually interrupted, asking:


    "Is there a bucket of piss in your tent?"


    Her face dropped, she went quiet, and just turned and went into her tent. It was a great moment. The next morning we had to stifle our giggles as we overheard her children persistently asking "Where's the bucket?", whilst she changed the subject.

  4. As old Jezza took to the Pyramid Stage I reclined in the altogether beside a lovely fire in the Lost Horizons Sauna. As John McDonnell took to the stage elsewhere I was having a nice cuppa in the 50p tea tent. When Billy Bragg went off on a rambling monologue for five minutes I had a look at the clashfinder and thought about which headliners I was going to see. It was easy...

  5. Genuine best surprise act was Bloxed Beats on the Summer House stage. We just chose the nice deck chairs for a sunny pint of cider and by the end we were up dancing harder than to anyone else we saw all weekend...

  6. On 27/06/2016 at 11:05 PM, FieldOfAvalon said:


    Later that night as were leaving Block 9 I decided to speak to a steward, and said something like "is it me or does there seem like 50000 extra people here?"

    To my shock she replied "there is. They let 50000 extra people in today". I first laughed and thought she was joking, but after pressing her repeatedly I soon realised she was 100% serious. I asked her why, she said none of the staff knew, but they were just as angry about it as we were.


    Did the steward suggest whether they meant they'd let 50,000 extra people into the SE Corner all at the same time? or 50,000 people movements into the SE corner over the whole day (so multiple entries to that part of the site would add up to that eventually)? Either way, it seems like a lot of extra people to be in that part of the site.

  7. It's a good job ME earned £60k from the festival, he was on local tv the other day and said he made a loss on the farm side of things. Dairy farms don't make profits at the moment.


    I wonder if that's a loss before or after the £41,000+ Worthy Farm had last year direct from the taxpayer via the Rural Payments Agency. Next time a farmer tells you his farm makes a loss, ask if that's before or after the subsidy. Most farms get a lot more than that.

  8. ...still far from representative of music fans across the UK...

    Though presumably - at least - more than representative of ethnic minority music fans in Somerest

  9. My experience of getting Sunday night buses out are they're usually a bit chaotic unless you have a booked ticket. If you want to get one out don't assume you can leave after the headliners finish. it won't happen.


    There are GF3 buses at 22.00, 00:01, 2:00, 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00 and judging by the queues I've seen in previous years (when I've been heading to London on a specific booked bus) you'll need to get there more than an hour before the bus you want to get and expect to be sitting in a queue and possibly waiting for the next one.


    If this seems like a pain, just imagine the frustration of being in my flat wishing I'd got a ticket. That's worse!

  10. I cycled from cornwall in 2013 and stayed in the cyclist's campsite. a lot of the people I met in there had done just that; got a lift from mumsy or pater into glastonbury town or shepton mallet or somewhere then got on their bikes. bleddy lightweights i tell thee!! :haha:

    Lightweights, perhaps, but if it helps to ease congestion around the site and as a result eases the passing of future licence applications to Mendip District Council I'll take it!

  11. In days gone past, someone there would have given efests a shout, and the tickets would fly out of the door straight after.

    They're forgetting who they are and where they come from (and I'm not meaning anything about efests with that). They've become a promoter who thinks they don't have to promote, an often fatal error. ;)

    They're still flogging tickets tonight. I think you might be right, Neil.

  12. Sold out now! Bloody seetickets! ;)

    I'd wager it's sold out in the same way Glastonbury used to be in the 90s. I.e. Bristol Ticket Shop is sold out but if you call the festival office or find another vendor they probs still have some.

  13. Great idea, unfortunately semms the "glasto spirit" was lost :(

    I guess so, but maybe also they ended up trampled into the mud, or cleared up with rubbish, or they're just sat in a drawer at someone's house somewhere, or maybe people just got them developed but didn't pay extra for the pictures digitally. It's not an ideal model for quick turnaround that you have to get them developed, and provided digitally, then upload them and share them with the originators. There's a fair few steps there where the "Oh this is a bit of a faf" instinct can kick in.

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