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Posts posted by AlanP

  1. gorfield, I would go with your 3-wheeler Pram, We bring a bigger version of yours every year (even though the kids are now 10 and 12 and don't use it as much) as....

    - it's wheels are ideal for the terrain

    - it's light & easy to push around

    - kids can sit/rest when they need to

    - it can carry food/water/rain-gear/beers etc around site

  2. Don't think we'll need to worry too much over the 5 days at Glasto,

    although, there were times in the Sacred Space when it seemed I had spent 100 years staring at the one cloud......

    Marine Debris Biodegradation Time Line Item Time to degrade jar-with-debris_150px.jpg

    Paper towel

    2-4 weeks


    6 weeks

    Cardboard box

    2 months

    Waxed milk carton

    3 months

    Apple core

    2 months

    Cotton gloves

    1-5 months

    Wool gloves

    1 year


    1-3 years

    Painted wooden sticks

    13 years

    Photo-degradable beverage holder

    6 months

    Plastic beverage holder

    400 years

    Plastic bags

    10-20 years

    Plastic bottle

    100 years

  3. Apparently this rumour is the result of a typo. ABC are headlining, not AC/DC, but don't despair; you can return your tickets by just not paying the balance. I'm sure the festival will manage to find some schmuck who didn't manage to get a ticket last week (sob) who'll take it in April so no need to feel guilty!

    AC/DC are playing a massive free gig in London on either the Friday, Saturday or Sunday of Glastonbury (they haven't decided which but will announce it the day after the Glasto ticket re-sale) and I know this is true because I bumped into Angus Steakhouse from the band and he told me himself.

  4. We have usually driven. It's better if kids are involved. Load up with all the necessary junk etc...

    We book a travel lodge halfway through Wales on the Monday. Breaks the journey and a chance for showers/sleep etc.

    Ferry Tues morning nice and fresh.

    That's all the easy part, it's getting the tickets on Sunday that's the problem, didn't work out that way last year :(

  5. very "down" today but gotta stay positive. Fat laty singing and all that.... Best we can do is keep each other in the loop if any "unscheduled" resale happens. Otherwise it's the same effert again in April.

    For notification purposes, maybe we could share the load. An email group set up by someone with their "ear to the ground" should be easy enough.

    A text group could be more expensive, depending on numbers of peeps. However, multiple, smaller text groups might work.

    What ye think?

  6. What do ye think?

    Will it be all over before you get to the bottom of the pot of coffee?

    Maybe they will still be on sale on Tuesday.....

    Anyway, I'll buy a pint of "Hot n Spicy" for whoever gets closest to the sell-out time/day.

    ...better put in a few conditions....

    Pint to be bought at 8pm on the Wed, from the cider bus (doesn't have to be hot n spicy, whatever's on the menu)

    I'll have to be successful myself on Sunday, obviously.

    Sell-out time?? maybe ask Neill or some other mod to confirm what the "official" time was???

    Cut-off time for entries is 9am Sunday

  7. There's loads of info on here about bringing kids. Use the search for kids or kidz and you should be sorted. Ours will be on their 4th trip next year (tickets pending !!!) and they are 9 & 11. Aside from the kidz field there is so much more for them to do and see around the site. My fella made a three-legged stool for himself last time in Green Crafts.

    One tip I'd have is the buggy you bring. As well as have a place for the baby to sleep while you are wandering, it makes a great vehicle for carrying gear/food/beer etc. We still bring ours for carting the gear from the car to campsite.

    It's worth investing in one of those three-wheelers as they are the easiest to navigate through rough ground. The bigger the wheels the better.

    Don't let anyone talk you out of bringing them. Trouble is, after they go once they will want to go every year.....

  8. I'm slightly confused - this says that rain won't be too bad, but some of the images say otherwise. Looks to me like that low pressure will pass to the north of the SW of the UK on this forecast.


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