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Posts posted by Joanne

  1. Been scrolling through but can't find anything about it. We have two of us going from Brighton and one from Nottingham on coaches. Am I right in thinking we need separate booking pages for the two destinations? 


    This thread has got me in a panic all over again. I keep testing the refresh button on the See page just incase and it's only ten to three! What a twonk I am.

  2. I've done the coach several years running now - mainly because I can't bear the thought of waiting until the sunday to buy tickets. I go from Brighton and they are generally pretty early - 8 o'clock in the morning. Don't know if they are the same elsewhere though. 

  3. I am already pathetically and sporadically refreshing the Coach and tickets ticket page in the vain hope that they might do a test and slip a few through the net. Ha ha.

    Got them for Thursday by the skin of our teeth in the coach ticket resales last year about 2 minutes before they sold out after failing in all the other trys. It's almost a year round pursuit now isn't it!  

  4. Morning all,

    Hope there were a lot of successful people today in the resale?

    I was trying for my brother and his mate and having put in my payment details was then told it had sold out during that time. It's the closest I've ever been even when trying for myself so massively frustrated.

    I know there will be secret resales coming in the next few weeks. Can anyone recall exactly how long after the resale they begin and exactly how frequently they occur? Also am I correct in thinking that there is a way of being immediately notified when they come on sale; through a notification email that is activated when the page changes? Having told my brother how great Glasto is and evidenced by how often I've been I really want him to see it for himself. Any suggestions and advice you guys have is most welcome.

    Happy Sunday.

    I've just been trying to work it out. I have an email alert to my computer from follow that page but that isn't much good unless I am glued to the computer! I think I need a smart phone.

  5. Great news, Joanne

    Have been following your posts all day to the point that I was experiencing your nervousness! Chuffed you got sorted, and yes, sorry to anyone who didn't.

    Good luck on Sunday...

    Believe in the secret sales...


    Thanks so much Ben :) Very chuffed indeed

  6. Very happy (to put it mildly)! A friend managed to get us our two tickets. I didn't get a sniff myself despite all the military style planning. So sorry for anybody who missed out. I'll be trying again on Sunday for two more of us. The stress continues......

  7. With you on this, didn't fancy the coach at first but I just have to be there.

    I did coach last year and I wouldn't go back to the train or car. No queing for the shuttle bus, no being crammed onto the teeny station or being sent onto the wrong train!

  8. My guess is it's best to go from this page http://glastonbury.seetickets.com/event/glastonbury-2015-ticket-coach-travel-thursday/worthy-farm-pilton-somerset/867749as the next one along is going to change with the correct details at the bottom and a proceed button. Re coaches, it automatically comes up as Wednesday and gives you the option to choose a different day. Personally, I'm going for the cowardly Thursday route this year as they always sell out last and i'd rather miss a day than an entire festival.

    Oops, the link I just sent you is the Thursday one but the Wednesday one is a bit earlier in this thread. Having said that, they could throw us a curveball and not use these links at all!!!!!!!

  9. Hi All. If someone could help with this question I would be very grateful. So I've done the test run (luckily my reg is still in date!) and I've selected my departure and as someone else has mentioned it states on sale on Sunday.

    Firstly: Do you think we should just refresh this particular page at 6pm or go from the start? would obv be more preferable to not have to enter membership number and postcode, every second counts and all that.

    Secondly: Will the times listed be correct, doesn't seem a huge amount of options from London and also unless I'm being incredibly thick I can't see the day of outbound travel, would be gutted to accidentally book a Thursday date.

    Thanks for the help anyone can give me, and best of luck to everyone trying.

    My guess is it's best to go from this page http://glastonbury.seetickets.com/event/glastonbury-2015-ticket-coach-travel-thursday/worthy-farm-pilton-somerset/867749as the next one along is going to change with the correct details at the bottom and a proceed button. Re coaches, it automatically comes up as Wednesday and gives you the option to choose a different day. Personally, I'm going for the cowardly Thursday route this year as they always sell out last and i'd rather miss a day than an entire festival.

  10. I am taking my son for a swimming lesson but am actually shelling out for a taxi in the hope that I will get back just in time! I'm leaving the computer on with booking forms open at various stages. Hope I have everything covered. Happy to help with anybody else here but, that said, on previous years I haven't been even able to get the Efestivals page open during the ticket buying!

  11. Just wanted to wish best of luck to people tonight and also those trying on Sunday!

    I know it's stressful, I got (very) last minute resale tickets in 2011 and that Sunday was an emotional rollercoaster :lol: Just try and get any friends/family you can involved, because the more people the better, and I'm sure you'll be successful. Multiple web BROWSERS are good, but don't waste time with several tabs on the same browser. There's no real pattern, some years one method is more successful than others and vice versa, so just try and cover all bases :)

    Hopefully there was a tonne of 'Kanye West is rubbish' drop outs, because then people who genuinely want to go to Glastonbury can claim those tickets.

    Thanks Glasto Simon, Festival Freak! I've got tickets in two resales so remain hopeful, failing that there's always jumping in from a helicopter. Do you think they'd notice? Lol

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