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Posts posted by DaiB

  1. Im keeping faith with Rammstein,

    I belive they have two sets (not uncommon for headline bands), current set up is too large but have the logistics expertise to adapt, private jet for the band and entourage.

    Slipknot played Interlaken the night before DL23 so it can be done, I am a fan so really hoping. Jumped on this forum as I usually read/post (a little) in the DL forum, but picked up on the @notlee leak stuff from a Youtube vid so came here for a nose, 

    Nice thread

    The other thing from this forum I find interesting is the legal/time line stuff. Headliner legal/contracts were probably signed before the Rammstein Stadium Tour announcement? guessing for headliners, festival organisers are a year in advance, think it was the above account that thought sorting in Septemeber was late. 

    Im not in the know, it could all be poppycock, just surmising but makes sense to me, most Headliner bands are of the size they can adapt do anything and have the clout to back up the legal stuff.

    Fingers crossed for lost of flames hopefully some Nu Metal as well


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