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Posts posted by festiall

  1. On 12/15/2022 at 9:12 AM, lukatej said:

    I attended every time, not because its a great festival, but just because you can find second hand tickets very cheap and the booking is not that bad for a price of festival in the city centre of Prague.

    Last year I havent met failing system or queues, but in terms of bookings I agree, that its not very rememberable, thats why Im happy they leaned forward to their first edition (which was great) booking wise.


    Just wondering where you get 2nd hand tickets for this? Going to be in Prague this weekend and would be keen on going to the Saturday - €100 just for a day ticket tho I’m not convinced 

  2. On 2/24/2023 at 11:20 AM, festiall said:

    Would love to see MUNA and Ethel Cain at Connect 

    MUNA are playing R+L Fri and Sun so not sure if they would come up for the sat 

    Muna and Ethel Cain playing the Fri and Sun of Reading and Leeds could that mean they're out of connect as not likely to come up on the Saturday?

  3. 38 minutes ago, chickenfire said:


    boygenius looking nailed on. Interesting to see what the rest of that day will look like. 

    Would love to see MUNA and Ethel Cain at Connect 

    MUNA are playing R+L Sat and Sun so not sure if they would come up for the sat 

  4. The VIP+ tickets guarantee access to the front pen of the stage throughout the full day which is usually only available on a first come, first served basis, and will include the luxuries of the VIP ticket.

    Hope other festivals don’t start doing stuff like this 

  5. 1 minute ago, hollyzone said:

    What's the water situation like at Poble? Same rules as the main festival?

    I want to see Pom Pom Squad and Magdalena Bay, so hoping it's not too full of people only there for the later bands (which we will leave before).

    This is my plan also hoping to get in at 7ish and head after mag but not sure if will be too busy by then 

  6. 17 minutes ago, Coopa said:

    In a similar situation, have dice tickets but have no Intetest in seeing the first 2 acts, would we still have a reasonable chance getting in after the music has started rather than going at doors and waiting 2/3 hours for ride to start. Completely gave up on the city shows after the chaos of sunday until tonight. On the plus side managed to grab tickets for thindercat/nas/rhcp yesterday all of which where incredible. 

    I messaged razz on instagram who said as a ticket holder I would have guaranteed entry and could come whenever, if there’s any issues I’ll just be showing them that

  7. 10 minutes ago, Rhak said:

    There are 3 lines: w1 or w2 // w1 +w2 & vip // dice. But you have to go up to the entrance and ask where the dice one is coz it’s small. For Apolo 2 it was just across the street from the entrance. You should have no problem as they let you in first but I would make sure to be there at least 30min before the first band is on

    Thank you, think I’m just being greedy by wanting to see Pom Pom Squad and Magdalena bay at Poble then jumping over to razz 

    The fact I’m going myself might make it easier to get in later on I’ll see how I’m feeling on night thanks again for info 

  8. Thanks all for the help. Not sure if I completely get the queue system, do ticket holders not have a separate queue or are we just to wait in the priority queue?

    I’m still really worried that despite having a ticket for Acid Angel I won’t get in if I come at 9pm

    Could I legitimately skip the queue if I have a DICE ticket? 

  9. Is there really not a separate line for DICE ticket holders?

    Was hoping to go to Pablo Espanyol on Wednesday early for Pom Pom Squad and Magdalena Bay before heading to the PC music night as I have a ticket for it would this probs be unlikely to do now?

  10. 1 hour ago, BenG92 said:

    And she already did a track with C. Tangana. It's him. 

    Would love to see C. Tangana but would it not be a bit weird to have him announced then cancel really early and then have him as a secret set? Idk how the secret sets normally work but just don’t see it happening 

  11. Really bummed to see Charli is playing the opposite side of the main stages W2 straight after Dua and during Tylers performances. She playing the main stage early the week before why couldn't they do the same. Also noticed Jorja is on diff stages each weekend but Tyler has around the same time and stage for both

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