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Posts posted by GraciousG

  1. I’m going to add my experience which is different to the last two people who replied 😂 I am normally a cup user but last year I went for tampons. Really stocked up and had a few on me at all times. I changed regularly even if I didn’t think I needed to and went for super absorbency to allow for longer stints in the evening when I got distracted. Had soap flakes and washed my hands with water whenever I got the chance. For me tampons felt “cleaner”. Everything stayed inside and I didn’t worry about being messy. My cup, although I count myself a pro, can be a bit messy for me. I don’t think I’d be comfy with period pants as the main option but I think are good for back up. 

    For cramps and mood etc. I found all the walking and fresh air (and booze) made it manageable. Took iron supplements and stayed extra hydrated. 

    Generally think about what would make you most comfortable. Plan ahead a little but then enjoy yourself! 

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