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Posts posted by fivioforex

  1. Long time lurker, first time poster. Wanted to share a few bits as actually used to work on some of the marketing for Wireless in my old job -  I don't know anything about this year though just giving my POV!

    Really hope I'm wrong but I just can't see them having Kanye. He would be such a monumental scoop for them but he and has been pretty much impossible to book for nearly a decade now. Especially at a festival as there are certain staging and time constraints. Ye hasn't done a live show in the UK for getting on for a decade now and I think if/when he does return it would probably be his own thing at the o2 or maybe even BST. He's risky as well as there is always a risk that he could bail last minute. In which case you're gonna have a lot of angry customers and it's gonna be a real struggle to find an adequate replacement. I really really hope I'm wrong as have been waiting my whole life to see him - but my hopes aren't up.


    Drake seems a lot more feasible and would explain their cockiness on socials when talking about what they've got planned but I'm still not sure they'd be able to get him either. I do think we're looking more at: Rocky/Cole/Post/Tyler/Skepta/MTS/maybe Kendrick or The Weeknd.

    Also, just my POV, but seems like BS this whole 2/3 locations thing. Just don't see the market for it w/ so many other festivals going big this summer and seems like it would be a real logistical nightmare for them as well. Could be wrong though but doesn't make much sense to me.

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