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Posts posted by ohseptember

  1. 4 hours ago, Chilly Toad said:

    For the second part: I saw what I wanted to see from where I wanted to see (as in the past) so I am not complaining about the big crowds. However, I found the lack of security, wavebreakers and crowd control in general dangerous and not up to the standards a festival of the size and reputation of PS should set. Of course, all went well until now. But that´s not the way an organisation should think.

    My thoughts exactly. The level of "couldn't care less" on part of security at times was also truly shocking. Shortly before King Gizz played Bianance, a woman behind me asked security for water & they pointed her to the bar. As if getting through that crowd at that moment to the bar was going to be at all easy, let alone for someone on the brink of fainting. Security's attempt at trying to get the crowd to calm down in the middle of the set instead of aiding the crowd by collecting crowdsurfers & passing out water was also absurd.

    I still love Primavera. Only slightly less than before though. It was my 7th time attending (my first since 2016) & I'd still like to attend future editions. But there are lots of safety conditions that need to be addressed if they plan to keep it at its current scale. I hope they get addressed.

    Currently split 50/50 on buying early bird tickets.

  2. Two friends in our group fell ill Monday & tested positive today. I've gone from scratchy throat to very cough-y quickly. Just went through covid the first time a month ago & fear I've managed to somehow catch it again?! Could be a cold. The last week of exhaustion, too little sleep  & a lot of Gizz was bound to catch up. Time will tell soon enough if I need to extend my stay & reschedule to my flight back home to the states.

    Speedy recovery to all.

  3. 4 hours ago, Daniel Comino Royuela said:

    Hi, a Dice ticket holder for the Interpol gig here. Just one question. I thought my ticket would let me enter the site directly, but now I’m starting to fear that’s not the case, and that what I have bought is just the right to do the normal queue as everyone with a weekend wristband. Is that so? Or is there a diferent queue for ticket holders like me?

    the thing is, would I be able to enter directly with my piece of paper or would I have to wait to someone to leave the site in order for me to enter?

    I wont have the time to go early, that’s why I bought the ticket in the first place…


    I think you should be alright. The have sperate queues & allow 2Wknd/VIP into the venue first. At Sala Apolo they let us DICE ticket holders about midway through the VIP queue. The DICE tickets should technically guarantee entry no matter what, ppl with them really shouldn't be getting turned away with them.

  4. Bits Bridge is available to VIP only.

    So relieved it's felt more like previous years again! Only stressful moment today was security at the rails during King Gizz acting like they thought the barricade was going to buckle.

    On the way to a nice long sleep, happy. Huge thank you to whoever mentioned Cabify way back when!


  5. 2 hours ago, neacaisa said:

    Sound is again too quiet imo, this time at Bianance (Primavera) for Weyes Blood

    Hope this gets resolved for King Gizz. Everything feels much smoother today (so far). Fingers crossed it stays like this for the rest of the night!

  6. 14 hours ago, yaniv297 said:

    Yeah Pavement were great. Interesting setlist too, heavy on hits but some deep cuts too. However, I thought the crowd upfront was way too rowdy and I kinda hated the mosh pits and crowd surfing. For me they're a legendary band with songs that were huge in my life, I would love to be able to watch them without having to fear for my safety. Ended up going back a few rows which was much better. The band absolutely delivered. 

    This. I was in the third row & got elbowed in the head by the guy behind me who appeared out of nowhere. After the song ended he tapped me on my shoulder, I presumed to apologize. Instead he asked if I spoke Spanish (I do) & went on to tell me "this is Primavera pushing & shoving is normal". I told him I was aware & it wasn't my first time at Primavera. Kind of set of tone for the two hour set for me. Didn't ruin it, but I expected it to be much more laid back and enjoyable, like the 2010 shows. 😔

  7. Just jumped out of the drink queue at Mordor VIP after waiting ~30 min to get a good spot for Pavement. I've never experienced waits this long here in the 7 years I've attended. They have two bartenders working the VIP bar & asking things like "how many ice cubes" when people ask for a glass of ice. Likely my last time attending, sadly.

  8. 4 minutes ago, MeMeMeM said:

    I want to believe that they will still be able to play one of the week shows...but Covid usually is like: I get it one day, two or three days later my wife...and so on. In a band, may be somerhing similar. 

    And these  kind of drop outs are the ones that are nobodies fault. Think I will stop reading this forum until the festival. I think I will prefer to know that this or that has cancelled just a few minutes before the scheduled time. At least I will not be thinking "who else is going to cancel?".

    I had it earlier this month, didn't confine myself from my husband & he never caught it. I also tested negative within a week (likely due to taking antivirals) & have read of cases of people testing negative after four days. So there's some hope they they will still play at least some of the scheduled shows. I'm feeling too devastated to even try to feel hopeful right now though.


  9. 34 minutes ago, blurfan said:

    I doubt they will be ready to go next Friday and based on what happened with Massive Attack I'm not expecting a replacement

    If they take the antivirals & test negative within a few days I don't see why they can't make it. As long as whoever caught it didn't have a chance to pass it along to others anyway.

  10. 20 minutes ago, yaniv297 said:

    Not wanna overhype you or anything but they're literally the best rock band of the last 30 years in my eyes. Although I would really recommend listening to some stuff before. Give "Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain" a spin - it's pretty much a perfect album (excluding "Hit the Plane Down")

    Couldn't agree more. It's kind of cheating, but I'd suggest 'Quarantine the Past: Best of Pavement' as an entry point though, to get the full scope of their music. They will very likely play nearly all the songs on the compilation too (fingers crossed).


  11. 3 minutes ago, Orens said:

    Ok, now that sounds like a scam.

    Primavera confirmed that there would be separate queues. It will be first come first serve for Double Wknd pass holders/VIP first & then general pass holders.


    • Upvote 1
  12. 5 hours ago, FakeEmpire said:

    I assume that a number of VIP punters will not bother with the middle pit as they'd prefer to be up front anyway.  If I don't make it into the middle pit, then I'll just be in general admission. I have no interest in sitting at the back.

    I'll be one of those punters & I'm particularly angry. Tried out VIP in 2013 & didn't think much of it. Went back to regular tickets. Didn't notice the VIP front pits till showing up super early for Radiohead in 2016. As I watched people casually stroll in & out of that VIP pit for ~4 hours that day, my feelings about it not being worth it changed.

    Decided to buy VIP the moment Pavement was announced. And now, after holding out hope for the last week that it wasn't the case, the festival confirms they've done away with the front VIP pit. Meaning, in order for me to secure a spot close to the stage for Pavement, I'll have to camp out during one of the trendiest acts of the entire festival?! Or somehow maneuver myself to the front as a mass exodus is happening. Perrrrrfect.

    Can't help but feel cursed. As if being short isn't a curse already.

  13. 3 hours ago, FloorFiller said:

    Yep 15% on sale, festival goers queue on a first come first served basis, and apparently people doing both weekends get some kind of priority access, but not too sure how that one’s gonna work…

    PS were asked on Instagram "will VIP tickets have a separate queue" & they replied, saying yes. So I imagine there will be two, if not three separate queues for Wk1&2 and/or VIP & general ticket holders for all Cuitat gigs.

  14. 17 hours ago, Fleetwood_Mac_And_Cheese said:

    Honestly pal I'd say the opposite.


    When I saw King Gizzard in the past I was fairly new to the band and really didn't enjoy it, I found a lot of songs blended into one another and it just felt repetitive. 

    However, I then got really into them last year and listened to the Ally Pally live they released (the show I went to) and honestly appreciated it a lot more. 

    I wouldn't say it's the opposite, but somewhere in the middle.  I saw them about a week after hearing a few songs in 2018 & left the gig completely floored. Sure, I didn't quite "get" songs like The River or Rattlesnake at the time, but as a whole I was incredibly impressed. Seeing them after a year immersing myself with their music made the experience more enjoyable, but I don't think it's necessarily required to enjoy or acknowledge their music, level of talent, or musicianship.

    Would I want to be vaguely familiar with their music when having the opportunity to see them 4-5x in one week where they won't be repeating a single show? Absolutely.

  15. 11 hours ago, xxialac said:

    Would be nice if Primavara could get rid of the liquid masquerading as beer called Heineken as their sponsor this year, who’ve had it since 2013.

    Bring back estrella damm!

    If only! I'd be happy to San Miguel back.

    I was surprised at how much better the drink situation was in Porto in 2014. Separate kiosks for wine, cider & beer. They even offered four(!) different styles of beer.

    I understand that having Heineken as a sponsor wouldn't allow the sale of other brands, but really wish it wasn't the case. Especially considering how much craft beer has taken off in Barcelona. 😕

    • Upvote 1
  16. On 6/13/2021 at 4:25 PM, JB15 said:

    Booked accommodation, feeling relieved now!

    Same! Seeing how quickly apartments for 4+ people have been getting booked up pushed me to do the same. Feels odd booking accomodations so far in advance, but I much rather be safe than sorry.

    • Upvote 1
  17. 10 hours ago, xxialac said:

    I appreciate the benefits of Pro (special gate to enter the site, priority access to Auditori, access to one of the VIP zones) especially given modest additional cost but don't think VIP is worth it unless you are of short stature or perhaps only want to see the main acts.

    Spot on.

    Being short, I've always been a front row kind of person. I bought VIP tickets the first year they were available out of curiosity. I didn't think much of the experience & went back to purchasing general tickets the following years.

    My feelings changed after noticing the reserved VIP section at the front main stages in 2016 & spending too many hours camping out to see my favorite bands that year. I missed out seeing as much music as usual & for that reason alone, started buying VIP.

    If you have zero or minimal interest in the main stage acts, it's not really worth it. Reduced price for VIP the following year does help to retain customers. Even if you end up selling your tickets.

  18. 2 minutes ago, purplecowz said:

    I'm pretty sure they added that info to the FAQ within the past couple days. They've definitely been telling everyone that only double weekenders get priority so they're backtracking now after a bunch of single weekend VIPs with rollover tickets rightfully complained. They should never have taken away that benefit in the first place.

    It's all a bit annoying though, as I was considering VIP W2 and GA W1, but ended up buying W1+W2 GA because of the Ciutat priority. Now it doesn't even make a difference and I'll have to also compete in the priority line with single weekend VIPs, it's just irritating when trying to plan this to not have all the info up front.

    Couldn't agree more. I've had VIP tickets since June 2019, so I think it's only fair that they keep all the perks in place from when the ticket was originally purchased. We are a year away & while I know anything can happen between now and then, some clarity or at least consistency would be nice. People are excited to start making plans & I hope they announce something on the subject officially.

  19. 1 minute ago, JSmurphy said:

    No problem! To be honest it's as clear as mud. It definitely wasn't specified on their ticket page but it's there in the FAQs clear as day. Unless they decided at some point between publishing their FAQ and the tickets going live that they were backtracking... but pretty suspect to leave that information up if so. Unfortunately I don't know if I'm able to see when that page was last amended. 

    Clear as mud is the best way to describe it. Initial e-mail about keeping/swapping/upgrading didn't mention priority access at all. Website only listed priority for ticket selections to both weekends & this was their response to me a few days ago:



  20. 9 minutes ago, Guy Incognito said:

    Won't be need for that I don't reckon. Just get there nice and early 🙂

    Not sure I'm willing to give up 3-4 days of wonderful meals around Barcelona. Not unless restaurants have mastered the art of take away tapas due to the pandemic. Something tells me that won't be the case though. 😅

  21. 2 hours ago, burnleynotbarcelona said:

    Yey ! Another W1 + Thurs 9th person. 9th has the best undercard of the lot for me.

    Hooray! I'm considering buying a W2 ticket to obtain priority for La Cuitat, but I dunno. Ten days straight is a lot... & I love including a few days exploring a new region of Spain whenever I go. With it being a full year away & there's so much to consider. I'll definitely be there for Thurs 9th, one way or another though!

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