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wee Dazzler

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Posts posted by wee Dazzler

  1. Been 3 years since my last T and went 15 times. The value for money went from fantastic (in the 1990s), to okay (2000-2005), to poor (2006-present). I think value for money (price / line-up) is the main reason.


    I'm going this year and looking at tangerine fields. Previous times I've been these have been sold out quite early. This time, only the 8-man tents are gone. I spot a pattern with sales....

  2. Loving all the comments above. 41 now and 15 'T's under the belt, and going back for the first time in a few years.


    Never felt too old for it, although I definately think it takes it out of you more as you get older.

  3. I bought a ticket, I know 3 others that had tickets, and almost everyone else I know was planning on going so absolutely gutted.

    Is there enough people in area to support this? Definately. The nearby Wizard festival has a strong following, and Rock Ness and Tartan Heart show that the location doesn't have to be in the central belt to have a success.

    poor show

  4. all my mates have binned this years Wizard, and I really just want to go Friday night. SO looks like it's being binned my me too :(

    if there were just Friday tickets on sale I would be there. Common Wizard make them available next year.

  5. question for Ben Wizard.

    Why is there no Friday only tickets available? I'd be more interested in attending for just Friday night but the option doesn't exist.

    I know some people might say just go for the whole weekend but I just fancy the Friday and don't want to pay the full whack for that. I think this should be an option the ornanisers should look at as it may get more people to the festival.


  6. only 4 weeks to go folks!

    So anyone else decided to give the Wizard a go?

    There will be a fringe night in the Lemon tree on the 15th if you want a wee taster of whats on offer..

    Oh yeah... we will be selling tickets on the night at face value so no booking fee/postage added!!

    too good an opportunity to miss i say! :)

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