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hippy linda

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Posts posted by hippy linda

  1. IMO Florence is really over hyped but i do think she has a good voice albeit one thats out of control and she sounds like she is shouting.I have found that shes better when doing a cover, she sings more and shouts less.I thought her Glasto appearance this year was pretty average and the Chain was trully dreadful but i think she will improve with age.

    Lets hope so! She is no Lou Rhodes.

  2. I also pay for a PRS licence so that the girls at work can listen to music .£57 for the office, £204 if we wanted to play music in the shop.

    I wonder how many of you work in an environment where a licence has been purchased?

    I dont object to this ,I love my music and I dont mind paying towards musicians royalties.

    As for a hike in the Glasto ticket , its already worth every penny of £185 and I will always save the money for us to go.

  3. Thanks guys. It was a joy to write and, because I didn't get a press pass, I needn't have written anything - but I was so overwhelmed by it all that I felt I needed to write something down, if just for the sake of my own memories. Not all festivals have that impact. :lol:

  4. We were in Dairy ground which was quite tidy when we left as one of our crew took all the bags to the edge collection point. The guys near us that had come mainly for the footy (from Liverpool)left 4 brand new tents, two of which were pop ups.2 sleeping bags also new , a gazebo and four blow up beds the footy guys behind us from Essex left a gianormous new 6 man tent four double beds and sleeping bags and around 200 empty cans of lager. They had been using their tent as a toilet so we didnt Tatt from them (Those guys were scum!)But we did take home the new pop up tents and sleeping bags but we just couldnt manage the gazebo as it was too heavy. Everyone else around us was tidy and the field looked pretty good to me when we left on Monday afternoon.

    Would it be possible to have a place in each field where we could drop off new camping gear for the Salvation army or Any organisation that could use them? I am sure there are more people like us prepared to take down and fold up reusable tents for that purpose ( at least when the weather permits) :rolleyes:

  5. This is very interesting to me and my family as we found it impossible to bring in a set of plastic bowls which my pregnant daughter tried to bring in with her cool bag .They were confiscated and rejected ! :(

  6. quote from the telegraph article By Sarah Levy "Going to Glastonbury is a challenge which is ultimately worth the logistical, hygiene-and-sleep-deprived nightmare it tends to be. Returning there makes me feel that same original feeling of anticipation for something which has never been paralleled by any other experience: an ephemeral state of complete abandon and sublime happiness. A feeling of being gloriously adrift. It’s a paradise for music lovers, but also for those who just want to be around thousands of people all in a wonderful mood, and full of a temporarily accentuated lust for life. Glastonbury typifies some of the best qualities of human nature, most notably the gregariousness it epitomises. I know people who go every year without any intention of seeing any bands. Like me you may find this odd, but it certainly bears testament to the lure of the place. To travel that far and forego basic hygiene and even momentary quiet for the sake of absorbing some atmosphere must be the highest possible recommendation. Plus, there is the music.

    There is something to be experienced at Glastonbury which transcends all of its components. Music, entertainment, spending quality time with friends, having your tent weed on as you sleep? It’s all of these and none of these. Glastonbury is not an exclusively audiovisual experience. If anything, these are mere pretexts. It’s a sensory experience for the soul. It offers a feeling of happiness and freedom I have genuinely never known anywhere else. This probably explains my frustration at seeing it platonically paraded on TV and justifies my advice to everyone with any inclination towards it: don’t watch it on TV, just go. How many Glastonburys does it take to make you a legitimate veteran? Just the one".

    Aaah, I miss it so much Ive been watching the replays! :rolleyes:

  7. I've gotta say, I really found it to be the loveliest atmosphere yet. It felt much more varied, much less full of irritating groups than the last few years. I don't know if sunshine makes people more chilled or maybe I just spent more time in the Avalon field and less elsewhere but it was great! Long may it continue!

  8. My favourite performances in order

    Orbital absolutely fantastic under rated dance duo with the added pleasure of Matt Smith for the Dr Who finale

    Gorillaz ,yes it was more challenging and not full of singalong anthems that seem to be the required ingredient for all gigs now but I thought it was amazing .Well done Damen!

    Faithless their set pulled in the crowd and despite being on at a daylight slot managed to get everyone sticking one finger up!

    Dreadzone Always great at getting the crowd dancing and oh so London

    The Editors , great voice with lots of passion

    Biggest disappointment

    missing Thom Yorke at the Park and seeing Lou Reed do a very poor few lines at Gorillaz

    Biggest Surprise

    Rodney Brannigan ,playing two guitars at once and seeing Mr Eavis himself at Quintessence ( who were really good!)

  9. It really depends on how much you hate the cold.IHATE IT! So I will take , thermals tights legggings a hoody a rain mac,my fake fur coat (A glasto purchase from 2007 for a £5) several hats, gloves, thick thermal sox and my wellies.I shall wear them all at once and be nice and toasty but look like a .......................freak!

    I am also taking my gladiator sandals (just in case its warm) with a box of plasters!

  10. I've been checking metcheck and netweather daily for a few days and the weather forecast has not been the same twice - metcheck yesterday had no rain sat but all sun - cold but this is according to jackone on net weather due to the north winds - he also is predicting a colder outlook but with more rain than metcheck. That being said his forcast has improved over the past two days. It is so addictive once you start looking and only adds to the build-up but also can be depressing when all you see is rain.



    btw how good is it to now see the whole weekend forcasted with pictures :D must mean the fun is soon to begin

  11. I really don't like the way everything is pushed over to the left, the aesthetics are terrible. I suppose we'll have to get used to it.

    How about an advert free version for subscribers?

    I have never clicked on an advert so there is no revenue from me there, whereas I'd pay £10 a year for an advert free version :)

  12. Sorry but whether the adds pay for the site or not what you have done is absolutely horrible. I dont think I am the only one who cant stand moving adds flashing away at me while I read . Its bad enough having the banners flashing a t the top but they at least are easy to ignore. The ones at the side too big , are distracting and pointedly designed to drive a normal person insane.There are so many forums going down this ghastly route that being a member of a forum just makes us more fodder for some corporate marketing strategy. Gone are the days when they were just great places to hear peoples opinions,ideas and aspirations.

    Shame on you . Why not ask us if we wish to pay a subscription first.Some of us would much prefer to. Sad day E festivals I have been with you since you started but I for one am out of here after this glasto is over .:(

  13. Im sad that people think that chairs are a Glasto no no, i love my chair and carry it everywhere have been doing so for years (perhaps I started the chair thing!). Its a low fishing chair and I dont block any ones view.

    My poor old knees need respite after a long day bimbling about.

    Having said that I wouldnt take it to Shangri -la or Arcadia.

    IMO Only no nos are

    1) pissing in streams , bushes and on tents.

    2) Setting fire to tents and plastics

    3) Stealing anything from anyone.

    I cant stand those that push in to go down the front hand in hand in the middle of a gig but I stay up the back now where its not so bad.

    If people talk too loudly at a gig I ask them politely to keep it down , cos its Glasto they always apologise and then are quiet. :P

  14. Shut up you tit! There's plenty of amazing bands on and I assume by Glasto fanboys you mean people who don't live their lives by the NME gospel?

    If you want that kind of acts there's always Leeds or V where i'm sure you'll have a great time.

    There're more than enough brilliant bands on and when there isn't it's not exactly going to be boring is it?


  15. As part of my glasterbating every evening (sorry saw that word on another thread!) I have been listening to bands whos work I dont know well.

    I have listened to TDW although I couldnt stand TWS (they were trully dreadful live).

    I thought they were good , hope they are better live than TWS.

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