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Posts posted by barney73

  1. Hmm I might just stay at work as my internet connection is a bit hit and miss at home at the moment. I have enough stuff to get on with and keep my mind occupied until then, so maybe it's a good thing!

  2. Eek! I feel all dizzy and nervous again! How am I going to get through the day at work?

    OK breathe (gets out paper bag).

    Good luck all and yes I will also be trying to get two tickets for me and the bird!

  3. You have requested more than the maximum number of Travel Places allowed (1).

    does anyone have any ideas as what this means? does this mean perhaps that we were lucky trying to book earlier before the normal tickets sold out. we got onto the page, entered our details and then told sold out. then we tried coaches, got through and then put in our details only to have: You have requested more than the maximum number of Travel Places allowed (1).

    Could it be because our registration numbers have already been used? or wishful thinking from me?

  4. Yikes! I have returned to these forums like the prodigal son, with tail between legs!

    Last year I made up my mind I wasn't going to go to Glasto. Had a pretty crap summer last year as my mum was ill when at glasto last year and died a week after I got back. So kinda didn't want to go this year.

    However, time has moved on a little and I realise that I really do want to go and see this resale as an opportunity to go back to my spiritual home and have a great time.

    I feel sick to the stomach with anticipation over Sunday. Funny to get that feeling again which I used to get every ticket sale morning since 2003!

    Good luck everyone with Sunday and if anyone has any tips this year (I luckliy have never had to go through the resale) please let me know.

    Love, peace and pyramids to you all! xxx

  5. Didn't know whether to expect a pack or not but found an envelope addressed to me in the livingroom the other day. Don't know how long it had been sitting there but glad I happened to be looking for something else otherwise I would have been sooo jealous of all the buff wearing Brothers' fans all over the festival. I loooooovvvvvvveeeeeeeeee my buff! Had a tiger one last year and lost it in a matter of days and was gutted but this one so makes up for it.

    Got a tshirt which fits just nicely, 2 pints and a lanyard.

    Thanks so much Brothers! You have made me very happy indeed!

    See you all on site in the buff! :lol:

  6. Yeah if I'm about I too will find you at the cider bus. I kinda didn't do the meets last year and this year so much has happened which is why I have been off the boards so far and so haven't had the chance to catch up with who's meeting where. Just spotted this one though. Anything LL puts together is a bit of a laugh so might see you there!

  7. I have been going to Glasto for years now and although I was aware of them in 2003, it wasn't until 2005 that I actually discovered them by the Jazz World. And oh what joy it was. It was like an epiphany and the scales fell from my eyes!

    I now make an annual mecca to the Brothers Bar and have seen plastic 2 litre bottles come and go, and the queues stretching further every year as more glastoers hear about this great stuff. Whether it be perry or pear cider, I don't care. All I know is that it hits the spot at 11am and keeps me happy until nighty nights in my tent! Yaay! :P

  8. • 09.01 Got tickets

    • Not sure have email yet as used Mrs Barney73's email account (I had better get on to this)

    • Secured via internet (although I mistakenly got through by phone at 8.35am as was putting number in my phone ready for dialling. Was surprised to get through so quick).

    • Think bog standard 8mb speed.

  9. I really don't understand people who say they want to come, then don't bother to even register nevermind getting up at 8:30am on a Sunday, and then have the nerve to complain about their lack of ticket despite me badgering them to be more organised...

    It baffles me.

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