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Posts posted by JAYBOY644

  1. 17 hours ago, jparx said:

    How are people doing on the ticket front? I haven't heard a peep from them re: delivery. Website says they will be here by the 5th July so not quite worrying yet, but it's approaching the worry zone for sure.

    Exact same boat as you man, I emailed them last week and they just said that they will defo be there before the 5th of July, but i find it strange how my friend who bought a solo ticket received his nearly 3 weeks ago and we bought them on the same day. Is it because I have bought 4 perhaps?... how many have you purchased?

  2. 2 hours ago, lighthouse said:

    The Hives, jesus. Please do yourself a favour and go to Vampire Weekend.

    I think if you re-read my post you'll see that I said i'm going to see Vampire Weekend... Never seen them before but I have seen the hives twice before and still think they are one of the best live acts I've ever witnessed!! 

    • Upvote 1
  3. Well i'm glad its not just myself who is a little disappointed with the amount of clashes. The 4 big ones for me are the:


    THURSDAY -   Vampire Weekend/the Hives

    FRIDAY -  Wolfmother/Eric Prydz/ Demob Happy

    SATURDAY - Prophets of Rage/ Mogwai/ Parquet Courts,

                            &  Greta Van Fleet/ Pip Blom


    Think i'm going to have to take Vampire Weekend, a bit of Eric Prydz and a bit Wolfmother, Prophets and GRF...

    On a positive note, there's no clashes for either Smashing Pumpkins, the Chemical Brothers or The Cure (for me personally) so i'm delighted with that. 


  4. Has anyone from the UK not received their bands yet? Me and my friend ordered our bands the exact same day back in March, separately, and his arrived last week and I've not received anything or even heard that mine has been dispatched!! We stay in the same town and not even that far from each other so I can't understand why I haven't received mine...

  5. 19 hours ago, jparx said:

    4) Song/moment you're most looking forward to? (Really hoping The National end with Vanderlyle, but seeing Pictures of You will be amazing)


    the Cure - a Forrest,

    Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight

    Chemical Brothers - Hey Boy Hey Girl

    Greta Van Fleet - Black Smoke Rising 

    and I'm praying that Johnny Marr plays This Charming Man, as I've seen him twice before and didn't play it at either of they shows, but he did play it 2 weekends ago in Newcastle!!!!


  6. Well folks, it's only 37 days till M.C!!!! I personally can't wait as this will be my first festival abroad.

    Since this threads dried up a little recently, I thought I'd get it going again. So I have 3 questions for you to answer:

    1.) Which Band/Artist are you most looking forward to seeing?

    2.) Which Band/Artist have you seen the most (previously) out of all the acts at MC 2019?

    3.) Where are you travelling from and with how many others?


    My answers are: 

    1.) The Smashing Pumpkins and Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever, as I've never seen either bands live and  I love both of their music so much!

    2.) This will be my 4th time seeing Miles Kane

    3.) I am travelling from a town in Scotland called Kilmarnock, with my brother, 2 cousins and a friend. (5 of us.) Drive from Kilmarnock to Glasgow airport, Glasgow Airport to London Heathrow, LHR to Madrid!!


    ok your turn, let's goooooooooooo.......... ✌️


    • Upvote 2
  7. Just now, CANTSTOP said:

    Yesterday was a let down for me personally so hoping for something more today. AM had a line for they’re spot last year before they were announced something that’s not on the poster atm for the Bon Iver day.

    Also unsure about the maths but I was thinking it would be 40 more acts to be announced prior to yesterday, whereas there was only 25.

    yeah when they said 40% more acts to be announced i assumed that would be more than the 20ish bands/ acts listed yesterday. I know theres some competition winners to be announced so they'll probably be announced as well to be fair. its just a waiting game at the moment...

  8. 1 minute ago, Jaykc82 said:

    I would say the Wednesday show would have to be a thing for sure given that they sold tickets for it.

    Also, did anyone notice that HER is no longer on the lineup and has been removed from the website (unless I'm blind)

    H.E.R and Teenage Fanclub have both pulled out, lauryn hill and american authors both replaced their slots.

  9. What is the chances of the Strokes being announced as a headliner for possibly the Thursday (alongside Bon Iver) for M.C? I noticed they are playing Bilbao BBK on Friday the 12th and Doctor Music Fest on Sunday the 14th! Makes sense for them to play a few festivals in Spain the same weekend before heading back to the states...

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