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Posts posted by SmokeSoapBar

  1. 16 hours ago, stevieg1993 said:

    Seen on these forums that Prodigy are a popular choice for headlining download. I really don't think there at the stage for headlining Download anymore. I think they'll headline the medium sized festivals. There like Stereophonics, phonics always sell out there arena tours but you don't see them headlining these big festivals like Glastonbury, R/L, British Summertime etc but they'll play the likes of YNot etc. 

    I like The Prodigy. I personally would rather a better headliner. That being said, I think you're a bit off the mark here.

    The Prodigy can lay decent claim to being the biggest dance act the world's ever known. They're the crossover benchmark for bringing the genre into a more live performance orientated space. Headlining festivals is practically their main shtick, far more so than the infrequent, hit-and-miss album output they've had since Fat of the Land. They always pull a crowd. Like... so many people regardless of their music favorites just bleat on about how mental the Prodigy were at a festival. 

    Stereophonics, once they cooled down, were largely something that happened during the middle of the day on MTV2s rotation 15 years ago. They're not being passed on to this generation in the slightest. Decent lads, but never interesting enough to capatalize on their original popularity. 

  2. 1 minute ago, battleborn said:

    I was adding to your comment, my words were more directed at @RockCatNamedBob's assertion - laughable as it is - that we all listen to metal because we have some hidden desire to revolt.


    Anyway, we all revolt in our own way. I'm sure somebodies dad somewhere is mortified that his kid is listening to some weird mix of Kiss and Abba where the main bloke dresses as a priest. 

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  3. 3 minutes ago, battleborn said:


    I'm pretty sure there's some people go to Download who given the right line up wouldn't leave Avalanche all weekend. You've probably more right to say they listen to pop-punk because of a desire to revolt than the fuckers who hang around near by main stage all day with their camping chairs and blankets. Either way you'd be talking bollocks....



    Which bit is bollocks? 

    I'm not talking about anybody's right to revolt. I'm making the point that Download is a varied festival. 

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  4. 10 hours ago, RockCatNamedBob said:

    You seem to view feelings that are at a level 5 of anguish at a 10. IDK what music you've been listening to from the band but not only have they been heavy with every album besides Prequlle, but they have widened their popularity within the rock community by making albums that have combined more and more subgenres to make their sound more experimented. I say that with Prequlle has made them become severally less of a rock and especially METAL act, leaving them to the likes of soft rock and pop rock as far as their technical genre.

    You are a very weird person to judge someone of their posts without having a clue of what their conveying.

    People who listen to Metal listen to it because of the feeling of predisposed hidden anger and revolt that they have in them, Ghost as of Post Prequlle do not provide that feeling AT ALL within their music, and if you want to jump to prejudgment lad then you are a prick and an idiot for stating things about a band that aren't true at all stating in which they are.

    Ghost have NEVER been influenced by the likes of "Blue Oyster Cult" - One Hit Wonders from Long Island LOL

    Some realistic ones could be cited as Iron Maiden, UFO, Yes, Black Sabbath, Dream Theater, etc.

    For a "teacher" I sure hope your not in the arts program, you'll probably stick brushes on they minor keys eh?

    I think you ought to go and have a lie down. Talk about getting rattled. 

    Ghost have literally, literally covered bands like Pet Shop Boys and Depeche Mode. To say they were influenced by BOC isn't much of a stretch. 

    The notion that metal isn't for certain people is a genuinely loathsome statement and fully warrants being pissed all over. Plus we're talking about Download for christ sake. It's a fun, mostly metal festival that nonetheless covers a broader spectrum of heavy music. Ghost more than qualify, new stuff included. To even suggest they don't is some absolutely baffling exercise in cognitive dissonance or simply not understanding the audience. It's got pop punk. It's got wrestling. It's full of kids. All these things are great.

    It sounds like one or two of you would be better off sticking to smaller festivals full of bands that spell magic with K because even though they're pragmatic realists they still kinda dig dressing up in spooky symbols and pretending to themselves that a little bit of chaos occultism is real because, goddammit it, I'm from a cold country and I'm pissed off at society. 



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