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Northern Jack

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Posts posted by Northern Jack

  1. It's all just an absolute mess isn't it?

    I'm in Tier 3 territory and expected our restrictions to be identical to Liverpool's as the whole system was supposed to be about 'clarity' and 'consistency' 🙄 should've known better. 

    On a positive note, I'm still allowed to go to the gym and don't have to take my daughter to any soft play areas for the foreseeable. 

  2. 3 hours ago, gigpusher said:


    This is pretty devastating news for the Manchester gigging community. Let's hope someone has some money to invest. Both great venues especially The Deaf Institute. 

    Gutted about this, especially Gorilla, one of my favourite venues.

    I was supposed to see The Showhawk Duo there before the shit hit the fan. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Homer said:

    Anyone bitten the bullet and booked a foreign holiday? Going to Dorset and Tenby - but fairly set on driving over to France too. Only sticking point is if they test your temp on the way over and send you back, Anyone know the rules on this please?

    We'd already booked to go over to Alicante at the end of July. I was hoping it would be cancelled really, but no such luck.

    Spoke to somebody who flew over yesterday and apart from temperature checks and masks, it was business as usual apparently. 

    I'm apprehensive but I'm more scared of my wife than Covid, so we're going! 

  4. 16 minutes ago, K2SO said:


    I feel like you can still be a good person, even if you have done bad things. Not to say that you can wave these actions off because they have been good otherwise, but that somebody can get the help they need, and also make amends for their abhorrent actions with everyone they have affected. In my case, it was just my family that were the ones that needed to have amends made. In Tom's case, it's not just Vikki and his family, but also his band mates, his friends and his fans. Making his statement the other night, I think was the first step on a long journey to that redemption. Behind the scenes is not really any of my business. It's down to him in his personal life to make those intimate amends, and whether those close to him will accept those actions.

    For me, as a fan, I first and foremost want to know that Vikki is safe and well, and that both her and Tom are healthy both mentally and physically. For me to forgive Tom, as a person, someone who I have met several times and has shown nothing but love to me, I want to see him successfully address his mental health and addiction issues, as well as some large gestures to help other victims of similar actions to him.


    That's the one. 

    The best thing he can do is address his issues and minimise the risk of this happening again. I work with offenders for a living, and there's plenty of people who end up in trouble once, engage with services, address their behaviour and never come back. Let's hope he's one of them. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Jay Pee said:


    Burnley, Blackburn, Bolton. I ain't knocking all residents as that is ridiculous to do that but all have a quotient of right leaning numbskulls who unfortunately come out of the woodwork for gigs of this nature. I have given up buying tickets. I get the stage dynamics and crowd dynamics mentioned and we are very much stage left when attending but it is the thought of queuing for a beer /piss with beaked up little shitheads that would happily go a dozen on to one if you challenge their behaviour.

    If Glastonbury is the Zenith, a summer's day in Heaton park with several bands who draw the flocks of fake Stone Island clad coke fiends is the Nadir.



    Absolutely spot on. 

    Sadly, as someone that enjoys some of these bands and follows North End around, I can't escape it 🙄

    It's also depressingly easy to be tarred with the same brush.

  6. Envious of you motivated bunch.

    I am now 30lbs heavier than I was at last year's festival!

    Regardless of whether the resale is a success or not; I'll be visiting this thread regularly for some much needed motivation. 

  7. I'm WFH and decided to procrastinate for half an hour and have a leisurely read of the forum; got a bit more than I bargained for! 

    I think we can all agree that domestic abuse = bad and that listening to indie bands doesn't necessarily = dark fruits guzzling wife beater. 


  8. After my lot dropping a monumental bollock, I find myself without a ticket (again 🙄).

    I managed to get one in the last resale; and after all the coverage on telly this weekend I'm full of renewed optimism! 

  9. 6 minutes ago, T-Mouse said:

    Its the 60th minute. After more sustained pressure, we've hit them on the counter. Humidity crosses the ball and Sunshine absolutely rifles a bullet header into the top corner. 

    We're 2-1 up.

    Just best hope VAR doesn't bite us on the arse.

  10. Just as I’d finished reading this thread I read on Twitter that a local lad died last night after reportedly taking mdma. 

    Not a chance I’d buy from a complete stranger at the festival. 

  11. 7 minutes ago, FuzzyDunlop said:

    I support Oldham Athletic. Im used to cold & Losing. If it gets above 10 degrees it's factor 50 time. 

    I genuinely sit in the stand that never gets sun, because of potential sunburn... in oldham, in winter! (Tbf, the sunburn is more likely aug & may, but I went pink this year in feb)

    Went in October once, nearly got frostbite. 

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