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Posts posted by charlieharris23

  1. 31 minutes ago, Jack w said:

    do people think if post Malone plays he will play about 4th down or nme sub, or do we reckon he will remain very relevant and maybe take an NME headline or third down slot with his logo on the poster?

    I think Post could easily be ok just before Kendrick, he’s one of the biggest acts in he world atm 

  2. Just now, MIchael_scarn said:

    How have people been thinking it's going to work then. If we're using dental's poster as an example would RB finish earlier than Florence or would they finish at the same time? Guess it does mean they can have more headline acts but imo I feel like if they do go ahead with this these acts will be weaker due to there being double the amount of them. Feel like it will take it's toll on the subs as well.

    Exactly, I’d prefer quality over quantity. It’s like in 2016 when they had one huge headliner and 4 smaller headliners. If they did do it one act would finish on one stage and then the other would start straight away on the other while the original stage sets up for the next act

  3. 3 minutes ago, Jack w said:

    Welcome to the forum!

    AM are pretty unlikely we think at this point but not impossible, and we don't know if the idea of two main stages holds any truth to it right now or not. Many of us are thinking that it's fake as it seems unneeded and kind of unrealistic but nobody actually knows.

    Does it say that I’m new ?? Hahahah

    I don’t think I like the idea of it at all, part of me thinks they’d just get smaller headliners (Fall Out Boy) just to fill the novelty factor out 

  4. 1 minute ago, Mattymooz said:

    We have no other info from that. To fit it on the site tho theyd have to get rid of NME and 1 more at least though.

    Lemme go find my copy paste:

    And regarding Arctics, i think theyre pretty unlikely now because:

    1. If Foos are playing (which it's looking like they are) and AM are then that would be massive for R&L. Why waste 2 of the biggest ticket sellers in one year

    2. It's only been 4 years, which is quite a short gap for most big bands (Foos will be on like an 8 year gap this year iirc)

    3. Currently, it's looking like AM will be touring June/July (the opposite end of the summer to R&L)

    4. They are heavily rumoured for Tramlines, which is in Sheffield. Why would they play Sheffield and Leeds?

    5. Foos, Kendrick and a Royal Blood coheadline (with whoever) is such a well rounded set of headliners. Variety with kendrick, new acts being bumped up with the coheadline, should leave money left for the undercard (unlike last year) etc.

    I think Foos wouldn’t be a great headliner for the current state of R&L but AM, Kendrick and RB + QOTSA would be a great line up 

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