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Bea Happy

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Posts posted by Bea Happy

  1. Hi my tickets have still not arrived, although Ticketline is saying they have been dispatched. I am starting to feel a bit sick about this and wondering if anyone else is also still waiting? Or has anyone else had this issue in previous years and got any advice? I have heard that Ticketline's customer service is crap. First time I am going to a festival with my little girl and a friend . . . really hope we still get to go! thanks 

  2. Hi my tickets for Green Man have still not arrived, although Ticketline is saying they have been dispatched. I am starting to feel a bit sick about this and wondering if anyone else is also still waiting? Or has anyone else had this issue in previous years and got any advice? I have heard that Ticketline's customer service is crap. First time I am going to a festival with my little girl and a friend . . . really hope we still get to go! thanks 

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