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Posts posted by DougalMcGuire

  1. Companies such as Live Nation/Ticketmaster (are they the same thing now?) are savvy enough to appoint some key board members with the correct political sway to ensure bills promoting a fair policy such as banning the likes of ViaGogo never see the light of day.

    Probably time to point to this link again by Trent Reznor talking about scalpers:


  2. How? If the gig is sold out then they have made all the money they planned to make, no? They all must be very happy at that, no? How do they "lose out" when tickets are sold on?

    I dont agree with touting btw, but I dont understand how touting hurts such industry folk as you mentioned. Touting can only happen if a gig is sold out yeah? and if a gig is sold out then the industry folk must be happy, no? Or do we have to feel sorry for them that they could have potentially sold out at a higher price? But then surely the only person who looses out there is the punter?

    Touting is shit for the punter but I cant see how its bad for the music industry, but then I may no be looking at it right........

  3. I've sold over and under before and sold face value for events I easily could've made a bomb on. Usually when I sell over it's because I'm desperate for the money.

    As I say, I've payed over the odds before and I'm happy too. If I didn't I wouldn't go. Everyone has a price they're willing to pay for a ticket, if it's sold at too much then don't pay it. If you're happy to pay it, then there's no problem.

  4. I've done the same thing, lead booker different name and address to the cardholder, it will be fine, I did the same thing last year and worried about it but needn't have.

    You won't have any problems as long as the money has been earmarked from the cardholder's account.

  5. Good work everyone, however science may try and dress it up with reasoning and explanation, we know the truth behind why this week is turning out the way it looks to be. :)

    Wellies and waterproofs packed here in a final offering, have a fantastic one everybody, see you there!


  6. I wondered how many on here were planning to arrive on Tuesday evening, I think there may be quite a bit of traffic arriving for the WV opening and as it is down a little lane I expect there will be a big queue to get in and then for process everyone to allocate their tents

  7. I know this question has been answered already but I've trawled through and searched and can't find it anywhere, can any locals tell me the definitive best way to get to the WV car park from the midlands (so effectively from Bristol I suppose)?

    Is it best to follow the official emailed directions, or is there a less trodden, off the beaten track approach that will avoid the main fest traffic at around 9am on Wednesday?

  8. Can we not just leave this now please? Its not upto me either way. The folks I'm going with take one every Glasto and said its a god send when it rained! I'm not even taking the wretched thing, I have no say in whether the group take it or not.

  9. We're just going round in circles here, Our camp is going to be the same size, regardless of whether or not we put a gazebo up. We will be also taking it with us when we leave. We will camping in one of the quieter fields were there is plenty of space. We are not antisocial cranks who want to rope off our camp. I really dont see what the problem is?

    How is it that a group like ours, where everyone is in a small ish (3mx2m) 3 man tent for 2 people get vilified for wanting a bit of shelter from sun / rain , but its ok for 2 lads or a couple to take a huge 5mx5m tent which has its communal area inside the tent.

  10. Ok guys, we've all seen the science 'believers' talking of mixed predictions around the UK in this coming week, so we all need to do our bit.

    I'm off to Spain for a week tomorrow, and will be doing my utmost while there to persuade the Sun Gods to return with me in a week and a bit, and that nothing less than 2010 weather will do.

    I trust that you in the UK will all make the necessary sacrifices that you need to with whatever you may have planned for this week, grin and bear what gets thrown at you, safe in the knowledge that all will be rewarded in just over 2 weeks time...


  11. Ha ha, thank you squire! Yes, Mad Dog's ode to boozing & smoking has been one of my discoveries from listening to this playlist too. A candidate for most appropriate Glasto song??

    The playlist is a work of genius Sir, you are to be saluted! On shuffle now.

    (Am I drinking enough and Mad Dog was a discovery I made at Beautiful Days last year, excellent stuff)

  12. Actually they're more like his PAs. They take every ridiculous thing he says and attempt to state it more eloquently. It would be pretty funny if it wasnt so damn disruptive.

  13. The original topic of the thread is as irrelevant as starting one titled 'which type of glass keeps beer colder, green or brown?'

    The festival has explicitly asked for them not to brought, highlighted in the first point in the fine guide, then repeats this further down. You either respect the organisers wishes or you show them no respect by ignoring the request.

    In my view the entire fantastic approach by this event in making these informal type requests to it's attendees (which is pretty much unique in the UK on such a scale) is in jeopardy while people don't appreciate and abide by it, at some point Glastonbury is going to have to have a rethink over the fact that these requests, made politely, get ignored.

    If I hold a party and ask my guests not to do something because IN MY OPINION it may affect other people attending, then I would expect that they respect that regardless - not blatantly go directly against what I've politely asked with an argument as to why the request doesn't apply to them however strongly and valid they feel their point may be. They probably wouldn't be invited again - no great loss to to them in all probability becasue my parties are rubbish, however......

    I'm interested, if ME were to have a wander round the site with a copy of the fine guide haing a chat with those who've brought a gazebo, would you feel a bit embarrassed/come up with the self righteous arguments as to why this request doesn't apply to you, and more importantly if you were told that you weren't welcome at the greatest party in the world in future, would be feel hard done by or would you say 'fair play, I ignored my host, he has every right'?

    No high horses here btw, just an interest in how people's viewpoints are motivated. At the end of the day, 1000's of festival goers will disregard far more potentially damaging requests of the guide than bringing a gazebo, across the site every minute that it's open. Which is a shame.

  14. I always appreciate it when a band/act say something like "we could go off stage just to come back on but that would be a waste of time, here is our last bit of music, thank you for coming"...........

  15. I went to Play Fest the year before last and the rule was one case of beer OR one bottle of spirits per person into the campsite, which I think was the condition on the license, but it was strictly enforced as I recall. It didn't worry me too much at the time as the arena was separated anyway, but this one rang alarm bells slightly...

    Wait and see what the response is before I start calculating how much I can physically carry in one trip. But I really don't want to be worried about having to smuggle spirits in Fruit Shoot bottles a la Reading.

  16. Anyone staying in WV, had the email today and notice this statement:

    "If you intend to bring alcohol to Worthy View then you will only be allowed to bring a
    reasonable quantity for personal consumption into the site (no more than you can
    carry in your hands on your first arrival to the campsite).
    Spirits and glass bottles are not permitted."

    Now obviously the glass thing is a given, but seriously, no spirits??? Unless it's a typo and it should read spirits IN glass bottles. And only being allowed in what one can carry in your hands on the first trip into camp? Along with all the rest of your gear, for 5 days of boozing?? They've got to be having a laugh surely.....

  17. Beautiful Days for us this year, and a fantastic time was had by all, closest fest to Glasto that I've experienced in atmosphere

    No-one that's just there 'to be seen to be there', very few knobheads, all round friendly atmosphere from punters to stewards to stall holders to police. Possibly a lot more family orientated than Glasto, but that's not such a bad thing, and obviously 1/20th of the size in area and population and without all the diverse things going on, but another fest that can be done on a shoestring budget once you're in - no alcohol limits and no restirctions on carrying what you like where you like throughout.

  18. Hi all, we have had one of our party drop out so will have a spare weekend plus camping ticket if anyone is struggling, available below face value (£80 maybe?)

    We will be arriving some time between 2 and 4pm on Thursday so if anyone still needs a ticket PM me and I can arrange to meet at a given time and place near to site (or at some location on the M5 from Birmingham en route if that would work for you)

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