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Posts posted by yay_manics

  1. Oh my god your right how could I have forgotton the Librarian :P yes love him, and don't forget cutmeownthroat Dibbler (Hmm not sure now thats his name) I tell ya what if your going to glasto or Leeds tell me one that you don't have and I will bring it for you :lol:

    Yeah good omens is great, there been talk of them making a film of it, but I haven't found anything for ages now :) I like interesting times, I really enjoyed The Hogfather when it was on telly over christmas too.

    Is there anyone out there whos read the Deptford Mice??

  2. Pearl Jam were absolutely fantastic at reading last night, Great choice of songs and thought Eddie spoke to the crowd well, no preaching and seemed alot more honest than most of the frontmen you see. Given to Fly absolutely blew me away and Yellow Ledbetter was a perfect closer.

    He really seemed touched by the reception they recieved, I don't think it will be too long before they return to our shores :blink:

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