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Moon moth

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Posts posted by Moon moth

  1. Ah, that is a problem. I was led to believe that scans would be in force for public tickets as well as crew tickets. Not sure how that would work in terms of cancelling tickets then, but certainly the gentleman in question will get a wristband should the tickets be reported as stolen and he has all his relevant information.

  2. 4 minutes ago, incident said:

    They can't cancel it. Not in any useful way anyway.. The only thing stopping a lost/stolen ticket being used is the photo check.

    This is true if the theft hasn't been reported, but it can be "effectively" cancelled if reported in time. Tickets reported as stolen will be classed as 'spent' tickets, meaning that they will flash up as having already been used, similar to how a valid ticket would if you tried to rescan it again.

     If the person who has stolen the ticket tries to use it, it will be flashed up as spent and they will have to go through additional security checks before they are allowed into the festival. As these checks involve detailed personal information as well as thorough scrutiny of the photo, they will inevitably be denied access to the festival. 

  3. Hi,

    First of all,  don´t worry,  incidents like this happen every year and the festival has a system in place to deal with it. 

    First you need to inform See Tickets. They are the Royal Mail customer, not you, so they will be more effective in dealing with the issue. See Tickets will also record the problem, so that if the worst should happen and you don´t receive you ticket, they can effectively cancel it (don´t worry- just the paper ticket, not your place at the festival) so the person who has it cannot use it. If it comes to this you will be given a reference number and information about ID requirements etc and you will then be able to collect your wristband and a pass out ticket (so you can leave the festival and get back in again without hassle) when you arrive. 

    In most of these cases the tickets are found, but not without considerable stress to everyone concerned, so it might be worth making an official complaint to Royal Mail after your return from the festival, and give them some encouragement to be a bit more responsible with the articles they're entrusted with.

    Have a fantastic festival.

  4. I doubt this is a genuine post, for all the reasons people have previously mentioned, but I'm also pretty sure that there will be people reading it who are considering the same thing, so for what it's worth, here's my two penneth. 

    I'm part of Glastonbury security, so I can tell you what will happen if you do 'opt out' of volunteering.:

    Firstly, your personal details and photograph will be placed on Glastonbury's block list, so you'll not be able to register to buy tickets for the festival in the future.

    Obviously you'll be blocked from Oxfam's volunteer list, and you'll also be placed on a a PAAM block list, which is accessed by other voluntary organisations, most check the list against any potential volunteers, so it's likely you'll be refused a place to volunteer at most other festivals.

    Your photograph will be distributed, via intranet, to security personnel, and they will be asked to look out for you, you are at this point classed as a trespasser on Worthy Farm land, so it's taken quite seriously. Oxfam also have the right to display your photograph on the festival noticeboards and encourage festival goers and (probably very angry, after having to cover 'opt out' shifts) volunteers and staff to look out for you, and report to security if they see you.

    It is quite likely you will be caught, and if so you will be escorted off the site. Depending on your behaviour when caught, you will either be given the chance to collect your belongings, or escorted off the site immediately if you deem to be displaying disruptive behaviour. If you resist with force you will be apprehended by the onsite police.

    So all in all, it's taken pretty seriously. Glastonbury not only needs volunteers, it depends on them for various health and safety policies which form part of the licence agreement. Volunteering isn't just an easy way into the festival, it's an important cog in the beautiful machine, and you should respect your place and your fellow volunteers and be happy to be a part of it. 


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  5. 4 minutes ago, GlastoDespo said:

    Hi - is it worth trying to get in with a ticket that a friend no longer wants if you don't look that alike? Is the focus more on stopping touts or are they that strict on photographs? 

    Hiya, I'm part of the security team and really think you'll struggle to get in on someone else's ticket this year. The guys checking tickets are given detailed instruction into what to look for, and this year everything is even tighter than usual. The ticketing system does help to stop touts, but the registration process also acts as additional security too, so be prepared for a grilling if you do attempt it and get caught. If they are in any doubt the ticket checkers will need to see additional ID.

    Also it's worth remembering that your friend may well risk being taken of the ticket register if she gets caught out passing on her ticket to you.

    Having said all that, you still might get lucky and get in if you think it's worth the gamble.    

  6. 9 minutes ago, ConorC said:

    Anyone ever been refused on their own ticket?

    I haven't had a haircut in about 18 months so I'm not exactly a replica of my ticket pic (taken 2015)!

    It has never happened to my knowledge. The ticket stewards are instructed to look closely at the features, so hairstyles rarely make much of a difference, but they may ask you to pull your hair back etc. The biggest problems are people changing weight, as this often changes features considerably at first glance, and beards, but most people pretty much look like themselves when you take a good look.

  7. 20 hours ago, Kinkyinuit said:

    In previous years I would have said to go for it, as long as you have a passing resemblance to the photo, you should have a reasonable chance.

    this year, however, I can't. I had the opportunity myself but didn't take it because the scrutiny is going to be that much higher. Plus I read in another thread that the ticket inspectors are getting incentives to catch fraudulent tickets. Not sure if it's true but given recent events, it doesn't seem out of the realms of possibility. 

    That said, if you approached the situation with enough confidence, that could get you far.

    The 'ticket inspectors' are usually volunteers, they get no monies whatsoever for their (sometimes extremely stressful) work, just a ticket to the festival. All staff at the festival are instructed to be extra vigilant this year, for very obvious reasons- monetary incentive isn't one of them.

  8. Hey guys, I might be able to clear a few things up here.

    I've been a security supervisor for the last four years and I can confirm that a person found to be entering on a ticket not belonging to them will be refused entry. The police are legally allowed to take the details of the person trying to gain entry and detain them until they can confirm that the ticket has not been stolen. If it is confirmed that the ticket was resold, then the person who has resold their ticket is usually taken off the ticket register, the ticket will be cancelled and the new purchaser will be refused entry.

    I can also confirm that this year there will be increased scrutiny of tickets, so it would be a good idea to try and look as much like your photo as possible, and have your bank card, driver's licence etc on hand as additional proof of id, just in case.

    Also to mention that most of the initial ticket checking will be done by volunteers, so please guys, be nice, they're nervous this year because they know people are going to be fed up of queuing, so please be respectful and remember that we're all just trying to look out for each other.

    Cheers, and have a good one.

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