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The Pretender

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Posts posted by The Pretender

  1. 59 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

    Also read what Owen Jones thinks of Corbyn as leader.

    Shame it took him 18months+ to realise. He's one of the worst cheerleaders which caused this.

    Thanks for the recommendation I will have a read. Just to be clear i wasnt taking sides. I think the whole system is fucked.

    Id be happy with food, shelter, and love. Im starting to think that may be easier to acheive living in the wild.

  2. On 19/04/2017 at 9:54 PM, adjwholovesmusic said:

    Brexit is a conservative party wet dream. The whole campaign was a stitch up from start to finish and they got the result they have always wanted.  Employment legislation and the protections the EU gives us will start to be eroded once Theresa May gets her EU deal, The NHS will continue it's collapse and end in private hands once free trade agreements are put in place and the continued theme of business first, ordinary people last as the poor get poorer and the rich get richer. Staff in the public sector have not had pay rises for nearly 7 years which for an economy that  is supposedly going from strength to strength is showing no kick backs to it's workers. This mantra is now moving into the private sector where businesses are using the Brexit as an excuse to limit pay increases. By voting conservative we are giving them everything they have ever dreamed off right on their plate. Keep the working people in their place while they reap every single benefit on our behalf. Anyone in any doubt watch this film. 


    Well said. Also read "The Establishment  by Owen Jones".

    So yeah i think i will give it a few more years, and then I'm off to live in the woods.

  3. Hi People,

    I am 28 and this will be my 9th Glasto (I have been to the last 8).

    I have visited this site and forum over many years. It has been a great resource so decided i should sign up and give back if possible.

    Don't hesitate to give me a shout with any Glasto related questions, i will do my best.


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