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Posts posted by clucking

  1. Hola nihao lovelies, absolutely heartbroken to be ticketless for 2020. Admittedly been a little absent from efestivals lately but it's oddly comforting to see so many people sharing the same sentiment and determined to get there no matter what. I'd really appreciate joining the resale club for the year and of course will help out in return wherever possible. There's 4 of us but it's possible that it will drop to 2 closer to the time... 

    There's no way we're missing the best party in the world, and even less so Diana Ross on Sunday! 

    Get yr index fingers ready lads!! 

  2. Aloha everyone! 

    Have been absent from efest for a little while but am returning ticketless for the first time since 2016... it's an odd comfort knowing I am not the only one feeling so grim about it. 

    Anyway, I'm hoping the ticket gods will be kind to us all come April. There is 4 in our group which may drop closer to the time so happy to help where possible x 

  3. 56 minutes ago, MrZigster said:

    Would you mind elaborating on point two?

    I didn't get further than "select a town/coach" page and didn't see any "check" boxes. That sort of thing usually happens at the end doesn't it?

    Did I maybe miss a box before the payment page (which I'm pretty sure would've been the next one)?

    Number three worked for me a number of times as well.

    Same here, I didn't see any check boxes on the coach/town selection page after inputting registrations. Where were these meant to be? Really hoping it wasn't my computer just not displaying them, so gutted

  4. 1 minute ago, rzwodezwo said:

    Same thing here (and for a couple others apparently).

    Me too! Was on Wednesday for about 10 mins frantically choosing different places to depart from then same thing happened for Thursday. If they haven't got enough allocations in the coaches why are we given the options..? (only what I can assume, couldn't have been all of our computers messing us about) 

  5. Just now, MattLeam said:

    It's the same thing I was seeing when I clicked on The Future Dub Project. It's still there if you click on that (truth stage Sunday). Theres nothing special about it though, it's just the form they submit with the line up for individual stages. There are two secret sets on there (see above) but nothing spectacular

    Ah yes I see cheers - I've been staring at a screen for too long today my eyes/brain have gone a bit fuzzy 

    Just now, musky said:

    Well it'll probably be all over FB by tomorrow morning and retweeted 100 times, so that's almost as good as true. :)

    Haha probably, and everyone saying 'you heard it here first!' 

  6. 1 hour ago, The60ftOctopus said:


    I sat behind the driver last year and he made the whole 8-9 hour journey a bliss. He was a legend.


    I'm on the 5am from London. 4am back (that's going to be painful). 

    See! They can be great (and I can imagine it would have been a horrid journey for him with all the traffic, lucky for you he was really nice!!) 

  7. 2 minutes ago, squirrelarmy said:

    Are you sure you don't want to swap and sit behind the driver?

    Hahaha, maybe the driver's going to be really good company, could be the best seats on the coach, y'never know. 

  8. 1 minute ago, squirrelarmy said:


    Looks like I'm at the front so have to be on best behaviour. Did you get lucky with a backseat?

    You'll have to save it until you get the to festival. 36-37 so we'll be all good it seems! 

  9. 3 minutes ago, squirrelarmy said:

    Hey coach buddy. I have the same times. Lucky you avoiding the Monday morning pain!

    Howdie! Which seats do you have? Yeah very happy about it, I know I'll be relishing it when the time comes 

  10. 7:00AM there and 8:30AM back to Leeds... 
    Pretty sweet considering last year we didn't get in until 3am on the weds night.. 

    Added bonus, won't have to get the coach back on the Monday as la Madre lives in the South West so she'll pick us up on the Monday instead, haaaaaappy days 

  11. 6 hours ago, Skoo said:

    I'm doing Ibiza before Glasto too - how many days have you got in between?

    I'm back from Ibz for 6 days then straight into Glasto.

    Possibly not the best planning on my part.


    If it's any consolation, I'm getting back from a 4 month study abroad period in Chile on Monday 19th... gives me two solid days to get over jetlag + get ready, but I am SO EXCITED 

  12. Refreshed for half an hour for London but got nothing (for standing, only crappy seats in the higher blocks were available) this morning, just tried Birmingham got two standing. Presume most sold out in the pre-sale then?

  13. 34 minutes ago, Curlygirl said:

    Absolutely. Start by praying and then make some sacrifices to the weather gods! Buy waterproofs etc to appease them. It's got to be a dry one. Especially after last year! The gods must realise that no matter how much they throw at us, we will party and have the best time regardless so they may as well make it nice. Surely it's easier for them to make it sunny than to 'try' to make it not dry? (I'm guessing you know from lurking we done use the r**n word or anything associated with it round these parts? 

    Haha had to pressure wash my poor wellies last year! 10000% agree, falling on my backside wearing white shorts had to be one of the funniest moments. You'd think it would be easier yes.. I have gathered that yes!! But thanks for the clarification anyway, could have made a blip without thinking there ;) 


    17 minutes ago, Quark said:

    Evening all, nice to see you about Dusty hope the arm's all good now. And welcome Clucking; think it might soon be time to fire up the old virtual campfire for a collective cider /cherry bakewell / poison of choice :)

    So I have to say, if you get a chance I heartily recommend you go and see Honeyblood. Feckin brilliant set for a Wednesday night, even if the Brighton crowd was quiet as a mime's funeral for most of it. Still managed to get a dance in!

    and thank you :) yes maybe so!!

  14. 33 minutes ago, Curlygirl said:

    Well we will pray to the weather gods extra hard that's it's a dry one for you! The m*d was awful last year but nice to know it didn't put a dampener on it for you. I think I/we feel rather privileged that your first post is in NFR! Obviously you have your priorities right :D

    As the Eavii say after every festival... this is gonna be the best one yet!! 

    Haha it was sooo bad, ended up being stuck in traffic for 9 hours before getting in at 3am on Wednesday night! But definitely didn't put a damper on, loved every second of the whole thing - including the traffic. Does it mean I can be optimistic about this year's weather..? 

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