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Posts posted by JoeRousey

  1. 6 minutes ago, Dan Wilcox said:

    Don't think it was ever likely tbh. I can imagine Noel wanting to headline R/L and the fest not thinking it'd be a big enough draw. 

    Yeah that’s true I think they would have to sub like Liam last year and can’t imagine Noel wanting to sub.

  2. 13 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

    the impact is announcements is something marketing peeps are quite good at measuring, and it's well known that Fridays/weekends aren't good for it - so i'd be very surprised if experienced marketing peeps suggested it as a strategy, or that someone like Melvin would accept it.

    With Latitude announcing on Monday, I'm thinking R/L might not be Monday now.

    Ah that’s fair enough I never knew that, was just a personal prediction :) 

  3. 1 minute ago, Edduk98 said:

    Also, is it likely that AM might play Y NOT Fest?

    Can't see it personally by looking at their lineups in recent years. Suppose there's the very smallest chance if they want to make up for all of the trouble they had last year but I would say it is like 1% chance.

  4. 1 minute ago, danz026 said:


    Doesn't Noel do more of the popular Oasis songs though? He does DLBIA, Half the world away, Champagne Supernova and Little by Little. The only really popular Oasis song you hear on a Liam Gallagher setlist is Wonderwall, but Noel sings that in his gigs too.

    When I seen Noel he did basically all the big ones but also a few other ones such as Talk Tonight and D’Yer Wanna Be A Spaceman. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, RedBalloon said:

    doubt it. the boring brother wouldn't go down anywhere near as well as liam gallagher last year. (although i wasn't there for it personally so idk what the feel on the ground was)

    Yeah I’ve seen both live (Not at R&L) and Liam definitely had the better crowd. I wouldn’t completely write Noel off though as he was great live. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, R Shah said:

    Co headline with royal blood /bmth maybe but it would be a co headline with a band that is much newer/attracts younger generation and a bit heavier Id guess  but I reckon he'd go down as a good booking with a decent undercard.

    Yeah I think NGHFB definitely have a decent Co-headline worthy set with quite a few off their 3 albums and then throwing in some of the Oasis ones as well. Join that with a 1hr 30 Royal Blood set and in my opinion that would be a good night. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Mash011 said:

    Obviously this is a new fest so there's not really a precedent, but big city events like this do tend to be pretty tight on ID checking and all that. Best of luck, but it's certainly a risk.

    Hopefully I can get hold of some ID they won't be too bothered

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