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Posts posted by simian_mobile_mushrooms

  1. 48 minutes ago, mattrik3 said:

    How easy is it to get a taxi?

    There are plenty of companies you can book through. We had to walk to Pilton and away from the closed road signs because you can't pick up or drop off there, but if you walk down one of the smaller back roads they can normally meet you there. We also got a taxi to the airport, 50 quid for a 7 seater. There was only two of us so it was perfect for a snooze :D

  2. My friends had a total nightmare getting home. Left the festival at about 9:30 am and didn't get back until about 7:30 pm. The driver did a U turn on the motorway and admitted to some of the guys he'd never driven in London before. Seems a bit ridiculous they'd be that short of qualified/experienced drivers. It's not exactly a difficult journey from Glasto to Victoria. Apparently after the U turn and the ten hour journey there were quite a few unhappy folk!

  3. Although I understand what you mean - at one point during the Chic/Biffy changeover an entire group of 30-40 yr olds had pitched themselves in a line and linked armrests making it extra extra hard for people to file out - I don't know if it would really do anything. There were plenty of people sitting at entrances to tents in the way on the floor, even some idiots sitting in the middle of walkways trying to roll spliffs or cigs and complaining when they got their elbows hit. These people are idiots, but you can't really ban that unfortunately

  4. One new experience for me was being conned by two hippies in the green futures area. They had a basket and offered us some hash truffle things, 5 quid each or 3 for a tenner. We bought three and as soon as we took them and ate them we realised there was zero weed or hash or mushrooms or anything in them. We waited anyway for something but predictablly nothing happened. Can't believe even the hippies are out to screw you over now!

  5. 4 hours ago, fowls said:

    London Grammar for sure, one of those bands I had never bothered to check out before. That voice is incredible! 


    And Foos for *all* the talking, and pretty much everything about the set being a lesson in what not to do whilst headlining. It should have been renamed the Dave Grohl chat show. AND DON'T SAY YOU'RE GOING TO PLAY UNTIL THEY CHUCK YOU OFF STAGE, THEN OVERRUN THE TIME SLOT WITH JUST 20 SONGS!!! Radiohead had a shorter running time with 25 songs, and the average RH song time is way more than the average for Foos. They used to only give 2 or 3 songs the long jam treatment, but it seemed like every song was interrupted by talking and/or a tedious jam.

    Props to Dave for recognising that they don't play Wheels much because no one likes it. Maybe that's a good reason to never play it ever again?

    I used to be a massive fan of Foos in the late 90s/early 00s, but they've gone full on head-first-plummet era Queen now (which is kinda fitting for all the bloody Queen they played). 


    I'd go as far as to say that the Foos were the second worst headliner I've ever seen, beaten only by Red Hot Chili Peppers at Reading 2007 (and they looked like they were going to punch each other on stage!). Such a shame when they really blew Wembley Stadium out of the water.

    Yeah I remember rhcp at reading, they were terrible. I'm not a fan of the Foos buy my friend went just as he'd never seen them before and basically said what you just wrote. Sounded awful and happy I went to the Jacksons.


    Also, Afroquoi were wicked, started with barely a hundred people in the field but flooded it with people as soon as people realised how good it was. RTJ were awesome, King Gizzard, Chic, Rationale, the XX, all awesome. 

    I also second that Katy Perry playef too many new songs in between. It was to up an down, and got slowed down a lot. Shame

  6. Some of the change overs too were a nightmare. Chic into Biffy, it was like the entire crowd changed over, same too for Craig D into RTJ. Think that could be handled better. Also as it's become more popular, more and more people who would never have considered it years ago now want to go, hence why shit singers like Craig David (I was at the Mandela bar from half way thru waiting for RTJ) can somehow just sing other people's songs and still pull a massive crowd

  7. 2 hours ago, rattlerattlerattle said:

    Incredible atmosphere for Future Islands. Seen them a few times before but that was special.

    Also cudos to whoever brought the air mattress to the King Gizz gig! Ridiculous scenes

    Great idea for crowdsurfing with, he was up there for ages. They were brilliant too great way to finish their tour

  8. Similarly, post 12am the SE was an absolute crush fest getting in and out Fri and Sat night. Really need to move some of that stuff away, spread it out a bit. First time I'd seen a lot of it tho, was fantastic. Gas Tower and Clash looked epic even if mega mega busy

  9. I think the stacked-ess and weather had a lot to do with it. We went for a chill in Green Futures and the Cabaret tent on. Fri afternoon and the places were virtually dead. Think. There were just too many acts people wanted to see. Still baffled by Craig David tho but happy I fought my way past the many luvvies to be basically on the front barrier for Run the Jewels. How big a crowd did they get? I was truly amazing, great guys, great set. Quite a few people left too after Corbs went from near us thankfully otherwise they would have all been crushed in the mosh pit 

  10. 3 minutes ago, fowls said:

    Worst comes to worst it'll be a bit muddy on Sunday, but it'll be bearable for a day. If it stays this hot any light shower will dry off within an hour.




    Your positivity is rubbing off!! AARGGGGGGGH! I might leave the heavy fuckers at home!!

  11. 2 minutes ago, fowls said:

    I normally take walking boots, but think I might tempt fate and leave them at home if it's forecast as dry. Far too heavy for hot weather.

    Yeah thinking the same. I know it's a risk but how much can a weather forecast change when we're in this spell of great weather?

  12. I was going to wear my walking boots on the Wed so I wouldn't have to carry them as an extra weight... Starting to think twice about that now! Might not even bring them to the festival?!

  13. On 17/06/2017 at 0:30 PM, Zoo Music Girl said:

    As someone who really struggled to get through a big crush to get into the pyramid field before Patti Smith (due to large numbers coming in for the Dalai Lama, who I don't care either way about), I'd advise getting there before Corbyn, not after.

    Thanks for the solid advice. Seems this thread has taken a turn for the worse... I'll probably still be front and centre even if I'll be staring at my phone or sitting down when Corbyn rallies his troop

  14. On 17/06/2017 at 0:30 PM, Zoo Music Girl said:

    As someone who really struggled to get through a big crush to get into the pyramid field before Patti Smith (due to large numbers coming in for the Dalai Lama, who I don't care either way about), I'd advise getting there before Corbyn, not after.

    Thanks for the solid advice. Seems this thread has taken a turn for the worse... I'll probably still be front and centre even if I'll be staring at my phone or sitting down when Corbyn rallies his troop

  15. 8 minutes ago, HalfAnIdiot said:

    I'll modify my comment ( it was perhaps a little 'extreme'). I doubt anyone from the tory or libdem party would be given a prime slot on the pyramid. 

    Inviting them to debates would be a good thing. It would spice up what can be a one sided debate.

    Def agree it would spice up debates, just generally more balanced discussion and it would be a better example for people that people can talk and reason with each other than just juxtaposing eachother. It's one of the reasons I'm not in favour of politics at the moment is it's kind of like 'you're either with us or against us' mentality. I would ilke to see more conversations than slanging matches


    15 minutes ago, Mash011 said:

    As mentioned earlier in the thread, Nick Clegg has been to speak at the festival. So, nope.


    Ah okay, I'm not surprised, I like Clegg, despite him being seen as a bit of backstabber for siding with the Tories in the coalition (at least for some people in my friendhship circle) but he reigned in the tories quite a bit imo. More conversations needed I think

  16. 9 hours ago, Keithy said:

    The wellies v boots thing is very straightforward. Welly wearers are idiots and walking boots people are just better.

    You wouldn't go hiking or trekking across muddy fields for 5 days in wellies, so why do it at Glastonbury?!

    You're preaching to the converted here! Bought walking boots for the first time after many years of having wellies. Comfort is better, traction is better, I'm better :D

  17. 1 hour ago, HalfAnIdiot said:

    I'm not saying you need to like their politics, that's up to you of course. But they are overtly political so, as I said, I find it odd that you actively ignore the political content.

    As for a lib-dem or Tory showing up it won't happen because the Eavis's wouldn't allow it. ME quite openly an active Labour and CND supporter and the festival follows that ethos - it is their party after all.

    Having said all that it's great that all creeds are welcome to the festival and we are all free to like what we want for whatever reason. I do however have a hope that some people become a little more politically aware though the experience.

    It's not like I ignore their political content, but I'm able to like the music itself without having any connection to their own message. As for the CND, that's something I'm quite on board with. As for your last part, I completely agree - whether they become more political on any side of course, barring the extremes.

    On a side note, do you think the Lib Dems would be excluded? I can imagine Tories not being there or invited but Libs are a bit left leaning aren't they? Would have thought they could be a welcome addiiton to the festival. Maybe also because that's who I voted for, ha!



  18. 2 hours ago, Wickedfaerie said:

    Had a little mosey around last night and these are the photos I took. 

    Pro: The ground is lovely and firm with a very slight spring to my steps.
    Con: This nice weather is making the long-drops much smellier than normal!

    2017 - wellies out, nose protectors in! Thanks a lot :D

  19. 6 minutes ago, HalfAnIdiot said:

    It is a little odd to my mind when said band use such politically charged lyrics.

    Their invitation of Corbin suggests they really are trying to get a message across and not just make good 'choons'.


    But, don't you think it's a bit odd to say that to like them, I also need to follow their politics? They can try and get a message across sure, and it's fine in the music, but does every band get the chance to invite someone to speak before them? Would a band who supported the tories or the lib dems get that chance? They also have a lot of lyrics that aren't politically charged, stuff about sucking dicks or running backwards through a field of dicks. One lyric in Count to fuck is 'when you niggas gonna unite and kill the police?' - I'm not going to agree with that or run backwards through a field of dicks, but the song is fantastic. Can't you separate liking a song and the politics behind the song? I thought that was simple to do

  20. 1 hour ago, DeanoL said:


    Your favourite band invited Jeremy Corbyn to introduce them. So maybe give him a chance?

    That's the thing, I've already given him quite a chance leading up to and during the election campaign etc. I think he's a decent bloke, he's got some okay ideas, he's made a few mistakes - like any normal person, I just don't like celebrity endorsements as if somehow because I like that band or actor, I should agree with their politics or I should give them more of my time just because they're famous. I find it kind of preachy/patronising like I can't think for myself without their help. Just wanna listen to some choons and listen to some dick lyrics :lol: Which I can't believe some people said I should not like a certain band if I don't like their politics - which is just insane. It's music! Anyway, you'll find me at the bar at 4 o'clock sipping a nice beer and wait it out, patiently seething, hahaha

  21. 1 minute ago, stuartbert two hats said:

    Then it sounds like you're already pretty good at ignoring political content - you'll be fine :D

    Haha, true. I think I will be at the bar getting a last minute beer and a shot of jagermeister before they come on, then it's all systems go!


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