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Posts posted by orbiter

  1. I have massive problems with rubbing boots. But I recently found some brasher soft leather boots that fit me like a glove, what i found i needed to do was buy smaller boots than i was used to. i always buy trainers probably size too big because i like them roomy, but the boots needed to be a snug fit.

    as for glastonbury i'm usually a sandals/trainers/wellies man. this year, i've bought some crocs. i know they fugly as hell, but i fully expect massive comfort! I also got some of those short, light wellies from decathlon for a tenner. much lighter and easier to get on and off than my trusty old dunlops.

    EDIT: oh, and for blisters i recommend either putting gaffer tape over your heels or that compeed blister stick or vaseline over the rubbed areas. and compeed plasters too.

  2. If you google Aplkit.co.uk they do some really good stuff, I think their headtorch is around 10-15 and is meant to be really good. I can't recommend their stuff highly enough.

  3. Nah, I don't mind cargo stuff really, each to their own. I try to avoid the Bear Grylls survivalist approach to Glastonbury! I try to avoid technical clothes unless I'm up a proper hill. Not that anybody should take fashion tips from me ha!

  4. Managed to get hold of some space blankets from a pound shop in Cheltenham, so the shopping has begun! After I get paid (tomorrow) i still need to buy:

    • cargo trousers

    • walking socks

    • gelert sleeping pod

    • booze

    • food

    Damn, this is going to be a tight month... :(

  5. 2 types of festival goer: the person expressing their inner ray mears and the person expressing their inner tramp.

    Personally I'd go light - even if you are a relatively sober person you'll still get too tired/mashed/excited to be bothered with the lack of an airbed/pillow/compass (wtf?)/chair etc

    Also if you're not on too tight a budget if you REALLY miss something you can just buy it. And often you can buy it cheaply.

    Tent/sleeping bag/clothes/booze

  6. This thread is very sad.

    It annoys me when people arrive late and push past me.........but then I let it go.....

    There is really no point in remaining annoyed - what is that old saying? - "Resentment is like drinking poison yourself and expecting the other person to suffer" - something like that.

    Anyway - it just came to me one time when a whole line of lads in their 20s traipsed through as I was waiting for an act to come on and one of them yelled "Dudes on a mission!" as he went past me and I thought "What a bunch of tw*ts!" and then it came to me - I was just sad that my days of "being on a mission" were long gone!

    Glastonbury is as enjoyable as it ever was to me but it I would be lying if I said it was quite the adventure it was when I was younger - but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be for other people. Good Luck to the "Dudes on a mission" - they may seem a bit tosserish to my tired old eyes but they're just having the time of their lives!

    ...and it's just come to me that I don't remeber what band I was waiting to see, but the thought of the dudes on a mission still kind of makes me smile!

  7. I used to pay a big crusty £10 to throw my bag and then me over the fence. Land and run. Often didnt even have to run. Although once me and a mate had to dive headfirst into a random tent to lay low. Usually by the Friday night you didnt even have to jump - somebody had usually driven a truck through the fence up by the stone circle and you could just walk in.

  8. these threads are so boring. They always turn into "You must NEVER express disappointment in the lienup because it challenges my fetishisation of the festival" versus "I spend all my time going from stage to stage and expect something i've heard of all the time"

    There's the middle way which is just - there are more/less bands i like on than usual.

    For me there's less. But thats all it means. No biggy

  9. The 'Obscura being at Greenman tipped me over into getting tickets. I went in 2006 and havent been since but its a really nice festival.

    As for the Glastonbury lineup, isn't the best ever for me personally and the bands I like but it never seems to have much of an impact on whether I have fun or not.

    The biggest influence on whether Glastonbury is amazing or just great is the weather (for me anyway)

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