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Posts posted by Antbot89

  1. Hey all,

    I am not taking wellies for the following reasons (all personal preference of course and call me crazy if you must!)

    1. It looks like light showers on most of the weather websites i have looked at rather than rain all day and on most of those the precipitation change is only like 60%, so its almost a 50/50 chance of a shower and weather forecasts always strike me as pessimistic!

    2. Hasn't the weather been baking hot and dry recently in Belgium (like most of europe) which leads me to think the ground is currently going to be bone dry like here in the UK. It'll probably take a few pretty heavy showers before we the water table high enough to see any sloppy mud.(actually a shower might not be bad anyway to prevent a dustbowl!)

    3. All 3 stages have flooring, which minimises mud and the road to the festival is tarmac, so its only really the campsite that would be a concern. I can battle the campsite with an old pair of trainers.

  2. Hey all,

    Been a while since posting! Dissapointed with Kaleo pulling out as they were one of the bands i really wanted to see but ah well!

    Quick question in regards to alcohol. This is my 3rd RW but havent been for a few years. I seem to remember you were able to take alcohol into the campsite as long as it was not in a glass bottle and that there was no limits (well at least not a limit that would stop anyone other than a small shop from entering). Is that still true? Have been looking on their site, but they onloy seem to be good at advertising that you can buy drinks in the hive!


  3. I think the Glasto line up has a stronger undercard, but as mentioned a lot of these would clash. As we have said all along, i feel like the RW line up is missing a sub for Radiohead and a booking like The XX or Phoenix for me would have been perfect.

    I think the greater shame isn't in the undercard or subs though, which are never going to suit everybodies taste (for me i have plently of bands to see) but it is in the fact that there are some very good dance acts around, like Justice, The Prodigy, Major Lazer, Deadmau, chase and status etc etc who are all out at festivals during the summer, yet RW failed ot land anybody for main stage closing acts.

    I think the Greatest shame is that we havent got Shaggy but Glasto do!


  4. 1 hour ago, alan_ts said:

    You're right but contactless is more dangerous than coupons imo...I've spent more at Sziget (where a large beer costs  2.20€) than at Dutch/Belgian festivals with this system.

    I guess it would be easier to get carried away as you are not physically handing anything over, so it doesn't feel like spending but at the same time that is a matter of self restraint i suppose!

    I buy most things with card not cash, so i find it quite easy to control and therefore the practicalilty benefits over using paper vouchers is a winner

  5. I think that with vouchers they are much easier to use making queues quicker and also prevents people carrying around a lot of cash, which disincentivises pick pockets etc.

    I would prefer it if they did the top up cards though. When i went to Euro 2016 you just topped up a card before hand, used that like contactless and then got refunded any spare balance at the end. I've also heard of festivals where your wristband is chipped and you use that rather than paper vouchers, which can still be lost / stolen. Both of these would be a great investment

  6. Yea, from the line up it only looks like 2 slots are missing? Sunday Klub C sub, Friday Klub C Headliner. I can't see anyone opening the friday before Kaleo, else they wuld have to start about 12:15, which seems too early and there would be no other bands on stage to compete with the crowd?

    Either the belgiums are bad at their percentages and gave out some false hope, or there are still a surprise or two to come. Maybe a dance headliner and a Secret set? for example i know it's the Thursdays but there are some big time gaps in between klub C sets? Beth ditto to Rudd is 1 hour 10?! and Rudd to Mura Masa is 1 hr 15? and the others before that are 1 hour. Yet the main stage and barn turn over acts much quicker? 

    Also, i usually love a good opening act on the first day to really get the festival vibe going, but with Het Zesde metaal, Declan Mckenna and Tout Va Bien....I might have an extra beer or two on wednesday and use that time to sleep it off!

  7. I would say it looks brilliant for my tastes if it is real.

    However, surely there are more than 3 main stage bands already announced on the radiohead day though? I would expect the Pretenders to be main stage for example. Friday isn't sold out though right, so maybe if it is massively undersold then this is the reponse to that?

  8. I agree that it is probably fake (i mean i can't see Lady gaga going to glastonbury but not being a headliner). However Efestival have put a fair few of the names as TBC, so i wonder if there is a bit more too it as Efests are normally on the money with their TBCs

  9. What're your guys thoughts on the Glastonbury poster leak? Lots of very similar bands to Rock wercther in the TBC / Strong rumour. Given that it is the weekend before i would probably expect that but still!

    And would there be any reasons why some of the names at glastonbury would have clauses stating that Glasto needs to announce them first? Maybe we have a few of those acts in the final few names!

  10. Weezer do have a pretty big gap in their touring schedule

    Jun 25 - California - Arroyo Seco Weekend.
    Jul 14 - Kentucky - Forecastl Festival
    But perhaps with an album release at the end of summer and the fact both giis are in America, they might use it for Studio time rather than brigning everything over to Europe for 1 show (Can't imagine that'll be profitable for a 1 off)
    I'm going to ignore all that reasoning though and wave my weezer flag in the hope they see it and come to RW!
  11. 39 minutes ago, idioteque87 said:

    Nope, judging by the rest of the line up I really don't think those bands will be announced at all, especially in the final announcement. Those bands would sell tickets, no reason not to announce them before. 

    This is my main worry for the last anouncement too. I wonder how well ticket sales are going though. I would have expected more than just two days to have sold out by now.

  12. I agree with the sentiment that the line up does feel like it's missing something (it's still a good line up) unless there are a few unusual bookings in the key slots. Like even on the Friday I feel like James Blake OATW and Radiohead isn't particularly diverse if they are all up against each other. 

    Im hoping for a bit more guitar stuff in the final announcement and no more electronic / pop acts. I think a couple of acts like biffy and wolfmother would go down well but I'm not too optimistic based on prior year final announcements. 

    (Also maybe I too am old but one of the fatima tracks just sounds like a Nintendo game to me!)

  13. You're talking as if the line up should be polarised to either be heavier rock or a total indie fest.  I think there is a place for more indie / alternative acts at Rock wertcher this year than what have currently been announced, but i fully expect a few heavier names in the pot also and probably still a dance act or two.

    As evidenced previous years line ups, Rock wertcher is normally pretty good at providing a balanced line up. It may have "rock" in the title, but it is a more inclusive festival than that (it isn;t download!)

    But maybe i am just being hopeful as i want those heavier as well as the alternative names in the same line up (I mean why else would i have bought tickets to a festival with RH & AF in one bucket and FF / SOAD in a second bucket, if i only likes one of those buckets!)

  14. This is my 3rd wertcher and using the Eurostar is definately the easiet and probably the quickest once you think about the time hanging around in airports before hand. Plus it takes you straight to Brussels Midi where you can get the train to Leuven as far as i remember!

    In terms of tomorrows announcement i am expecting a bit more of an international announcement, given that we think all the belgium names are likely to have been announced already.I think we will realistically get 1 or 2 of the names that have been banded round here

    I don't want to get my hopes up too much though!

  15. I am going to try my hardest to not even think about gorillaz because I'll only end up disappointed. However that said, I think they would be awesome after Radiohead as a "dance" act (I know they aren't really a dance act, but i think they'd be better after Radiohead as a main stage closer) 

    This week could be the difference between  a good or great line up. Fingers crossed! 

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