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Posts posted by Purpleyoda

  1. 8 hours ago, bintang said:

    Traffic is so pathetic here. Stuck in the Bus Shuttle for an hour.Gonna Miss Royal blood because of my retarded Apartment owner.

    Same experiense I had.

    The shuttle buses are a joke as there is no designated lane for them to drive through.

    So they use the same road as all other cars, which keep cutting into their lane anyway. It took me over an hour to get from the city to the site.

    The bus was boiling hot too as they do not use aircon for some reason.

    The road to the site is jammed and there is only one lane for all traffic. Nuts.

    I also never experenced such a low standart of organisation in any big festival I atended.

    Plus the way back - no orgenaized line for the huge crowd waiting for the busses.

    Any time one gets to the loading point people just push eachother in.

    This is an accident waiting to happen.

    The site is ok but almost too big.

    From tent stage to main stage you have to walk for a good few minuets.

    Radiohead gave a tough set with few "hits", crowd was lifeless mostly

    what made it harder was the terrible sound. I was  centre stage and not too far back and the bass was so distorted and loud it overwhelmed everything.

    At least it did not rain.

    Michael kiwanuka was my highlight.

  2. HI again,
    Would love some practical  info from locals or others who attended the festival before about traveling and payment at the festival site.

    1. I will be staying in Sopot during the festival.

    So i'm looking for the best travel options that covers traveling to and from Gdynia central station.
    I wished there was some combined "all in one" Travel card like in London that combines all trains and buses, But can't seem to find one.

    As I understand there is an "SKM Festival Ticket" good for 6 days, So it seems as the best option.

    The ticket covers both SKM and PKP Trains (?) But This ticket does not cover buses or Night buses , right?

    As for now, If I check traveling times at night from Gdynia to Sopot I  see that the intervals at night are an hour or more between trains (see attached pic from https://jakdojade.pl ) , So If I want to travel back at, say,  01:30 I will face a very long wait.

    Do they usually ran more trains on that line during festival days? (but just do not show it on the scheduled at this time)
    Or using a Night  Bus is a better option? (buses and SKM's go out from the same station, where the festival shuttle bus drops off in Gdynia?)

    I don't mind going buy night bus if it runs more frequently, but can't understand which line I need.
    looking at this site - http://www.zkmgdynia.pl ,  the planner only gives train options when checking for buses at the late nights during the festival dates.

    I also noticed they offer this combined ticket at http://www.zkmgdynia.pl:
    "72  hour rail and municipal of all organizers - Applies he SKM and PR Trains * and he ZTM Gdańsk and ZKM Gdynia and MZK Wejherowo trams, trolleybuses and buses ( * - within stretches Which end at stations Babi Down, Cieplewo, Luzino and Reda Rekowo )"

    Maybe this is a better option If I want to do some in-city traveling in sopot and gdynia while I'm there?
    It covers SKM's , But I Can't understand if it covers night buses though 

    2. Night buses - Can you pay at the bus or need to buy from a ticket machine beforehand?

    3. Paying at the festival site:

    As I read last year's reviewes they had big problems with the mastercard bands.
    This year I see they wrote that payment options are:
    "payment cards, mobile phones with contactless technology or specially prepared payment bands using MaserCard® contactless technology."

    Payment cards - Is a non-polish credit card qualify as one? 
    Same goes to any non-polish phone payment option I guess..

    These bands - where do you get them and can you charge them off-site as well? at the train station?  maybe through an on line option instead of standing in a line to a booth?

    Thank you all in advance.



  3. Thank you for that.

    First time at this festival.

    Are there a lot of clashes between the main and tent stages times, Or do they run them "off sync" so people have a better chance on seeing both\most acts as there are really not that many, if you compare to Reading\Leeds etc.

    I wish they would move kiwanuka to the main stage. He deserves better than a mid day spot at the smaller stage.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Hi,

    Can anyone advise on getting to the festival site from sopot?

    As I understand it is quite easy to get to gdynia from sopot and then take the shuttels to the site. However, Is it easy to get back late at night? How late do the trains to sopot from Gdynia run? Is it possible/easy to find a taxi to sopot late at night? Is it a long taxi ride from gdynia to sopot? How much should it cost?

    Thank you!

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