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Posts posted by TheNoise

  1. 2 minutes ago, Sasperella said:

    What do you think slut-shaming is....?

    Ummm, shaming somebody for being a slut ?

    Hey, it's worked for her, good on her. She had the balls (not literal) to make a tape which was 'leaked' to the media, it made her more famous. I'm not shaming her for it.

  2. 2 minutes ago, jyoung said:

    You said "Probably because their wives wouldn't put themselves in the same position(s) as Kim K" which implies that she deserves it.

    No it doesn't, it implies that their wives wouldn't put themselves in the position that KK did so the same abuse wouldn't be possible.

  3. 2 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    By implying she asked for it you were defending the misogyny.

    ?????????????? I never implied she asked for it ?

    I said 'media whore' meaning she takes money from all types of media without having any discernible talent.

    I've no idea what was on the flag mentioned, but from what was said it was an image from an x-rated video she made, but I never said she deserved it. 

    I'm not sure how, as a woman, I'm defending misogyny - that is something I would never do.

  4. 6 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    Having a pop at an artist by attacking and slut-shaming his wife is misogyny, plain and simple.

    I wasn't there and I didn't do that.

    If you were referring to my words, I didn't slut shame her, I called her a media whore, totally different.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Divein said:

    Sorry, what do you mean by ‘kinda he invites it on himself’ then? 

    These were the words I used 'like he almost invites it'.

    You know the way that some people would love to smack Justin Beiber in the face ? Like his behaviour almost invites it.

    I didn't say KW deserved the type of abuse he got, nobody does. Does he deserve adoration ? Hell no. He supports a right wing racist president - and yes, the irony has been pointed out to him - that alone should tell you something about him.

  6. 2 hours ago, jyoung said:

    Plot twist... You're the arse hole in this case, pal.

    Why ?

    Because I refuse to self flagellate over certain acts or pussy foot around ?

    There's been much worse said on these boards about other acts who have done nothing wrong other than offend the ears of some members.

    There's almost a full page in another thread talking about paedophile acts ffs. Or is that acceptable ?

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, thrillhouse188 said:

    You said you didn’t condone and then went on to list a bunch of reasons legitimising why people did it, rendering the ‘not condoning it’ statement pointless. Just admit you don’t like him and don’t care that people were racist and held up unsavoury flags about his wife :) 

    I do admit I don't like him, I don't admit the rest because it isn't true.

  8. 3 hours ago, Divein said:

    A few points I would like you to clear up


    3 hours ago, Divein said:

    Can you clarify what you mean by ‘brings it on himself’? 

    I didn't say that.

    3 hours ago, Divein said:

    Why would his very clear mental health issues make him an ‘arsehole’?

    I didn't say that either.

    3 hours ago, Divein said:

    Why did you choose to use Stormzy as an example and not any other band you don’t like? 

    Similar music.

  9. 47 minutes ago, Hugh Jass said:

    Aye, twattery of the highest order. The same people would never even dream of doing it with Damon Albarn or Thom Yorke's wives, but they consider Kanye fair game. Wonder why that is...

    Probably because their wives wouldn't put themselves in the same position(s) as Kim K.

    I'm not condoning the crowd's behaviour in any way, shape or form,  but it's like he almost invites it. Can you imagine if Maga hats were about then and he turned up wearing one ? He's got more than a few screws loose, he seems like an arsehole and he's married to a media whore.

    I have zero respect for him and it's nothing to do with his music, I detest Stormzy's music as much but I have respect for him, he's doing good and I hope he smashes it on the pyramid.

    Thom Yorke and Damon Albarn have always seemed like nice people to me and I know nothing about their private lives because they're not splashed all over every bloody magazine craving money and attention.

    • Downvote 14
  10. 10 minutes ago, priest17 said:

    It's a reputation thing, by the time you're at the festival you're not arsed who you see.


    I cried at The Pretenders in '17. I don't even like them, never have, but I stood and watched them for a while.


  11. 11 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    I'll say this for the sideways looking dog - it's not attending a festival headlined by a band fronted by a minor Tolkien gnome singing songs about its cage.


    3 minutes ago, Hugh Jass said:

    I fear you may have ran this into the ground...

    I agree.


    Although if you'd said a minor Tolkien elf, it would have worked.

  12. 32 minutes ago, Odessa said:

    No Alex Cameron slander on this website please.


    31 minutes ago, OddRon said:

    I was pleasantly surprised when I turned up and it was Alex Cameron but he was definitely a weird choice of support

    Yeah, tbf I spent most of the time he was on telling a 6yo that The Killers were definitely on soon.

    The weirdest support for me has to be Jizzy Tissue - sorry Dizzee Rascal supporting Muse at the Etihad though. Mass movement towards the bar when he was on.

  13. 11 minutes ago, OddRon said:

    Killers were great on tour after glasto in 2017, saw them in brum, the band members missing were all skill and no personality, Brandon and Ronnie are the heart of the show and the sessions musicians did a great job 

    Agreed, I saw them in Liverpool and they were fantastic.

    Could have done without the support act though.

  14. 50 minutes ago, Ayrshire Chris said:

    No one seems brave enough to admit that the leave campaign had overtones of racism about it and that brought out some really nasty opinions 

    I think everybody knows that, don't you ? But the leave campaign, in what appears to be a very shrewd move, decided to leave all the actual racist talk to Farage.

  15. 24 minutes ago, FuzzyDunlop said:


    You seem to have a problem with someone not liking queen. It's a music internet forum. We all like different things. 

    I don't have a problem with different musical tastes, I have a problem with calling people names because of their taste.

    To turn your statement around, if I'd said Stormzy was the ultimate SJW artist I'd have been jumped all over and called a gammon.

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