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Posts posted by ismadder

  1. 4 minutes ago, dentalplan said:

    Metro e-edition.

    At least they're doing a full tour this year and it's not like people have to go to that to see them.

    Supporting bill might turn out pretty good. Kings of Leon oddly do get quite a lot of decent acts as supports and BST are more than competent of providing a cool undercard. Obviously wouldn't be into buying it but I could be swayed if this one lands in the bargain bin - fat chance tho.

    Yes it Properly True as they have press release with an a time embargo on normally.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Jamesthedrake said:

    Looking at the map closer, if they are doing the areas in white,  in the UK they will be doing London, Birmingham, Cardiff, Manchester or Liverpool, Newcastle or Sunderland, Edingburgh or Glasgow, and wait for it ... Glastonbury !!!!

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