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Posts posted by Tupps

  1. Thank you for your replies. I'm a bit of a hoop fanatic! Incredibly excited to spend time in the circus fields!! :D

    Tommy, that sounds amazing! I bet the crowd loved it.

    I had bought a beautiful hoop with reflective  tape (which sparkles in the sun) on it for Glasto, as a cheaper alternative to an LED (see the video posted by Bamber - LEDs cost £200+) but it is unfortunately too heavy and would also get ruined by mud and grass. So I want to make sure the next hoop I order is festival suitable!  

    This is Rachel Lust, my fave hooper:


  2. Hello,

    Does anyone know if there is much blacklight at Glasto?  I'm trying to decide what kind of hula hoop to take with me to dance with.  I'm thinking about buying a UV glow hula hoop - one that glows under blacklight - but will only do this if there will be places where it will glow.

    Thank you!


  3. To the red telephone,

     Being heartbroken and struggling to see a decent future for yourself sounds tough :(.   If you do go to Glastonbury festival, if at any time you feel like you want to talk about how the separation is affecting you, the Samaritans tent is open 24/7.  The volunteers there will be more than happy to listen and will keep everything you say confidential.  


    You described Glastonbury as a bright spark on the horizon, so it sounds like although you are worried about it, you do want to go.  I hope you go and have a great time! Judging from the replies to your post, there are a lot of opportunities to meet people at the festival.




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