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Posts posted by IanBelfast

  1. 3 hours ago, Homer said:

    Also, why queue to go up the ribbon tower when you can just walk up the (higher) hill behind it instead

    Agree. And when you go up the hill you can see the ribbon tower, which just sets the scene perfectly.

  2. I've now got my first Glasto under my belt. And I wanted to thank all the eFestivals contributors for their chat, answers and general craic.

    The info before the festival was great, and the chat really built my excitement (I was mostly a lurker on the forum.)

    I'd a great 1st Glasto. Tried to do too much. And tried to see everything. But I guess you have to first time. But it is a really amazing place.

    Anyway thanks for the chat. And probably do it all again in 2019!

  3. Great news on the clean up. 1st Glasto for me so nothing to compare with. But I was very impressed with how most people kept things tidy. Never 100%, but much better than I've see anywhere else. Loads of over flowing bins. Which at least shows people are trying.

  4. Not an alcohol infusion question, but I reckon the people on this thread will know these things...

    Can I use any plastic bottle for spirits or will they only work with certain types of plastic? For example is there any problem decanting vodka into a plastic coke bottle?

    Just wondering in case it dissolves it or gives it a bad taste or something.


  5. Hi Nat,

    First time at Glasto for me so I have absolutely no idea about uv lights.

    But the fact someone has asked about what type of hula hoop to bring to Glasto has really given me a giggle. More excited than ever!!!


  6. I just want to add to all the other thank yous on this thread. The glasto17 playlist has been a great way to discover bands I now love who I'd never heard of a few months ago. And keeps the excitement building. If I bump into you at glasto you def deserve a drink. Thanks for your work on this.

    Just one thing. As a big Billy Bragg fan, why no Billy?

  7. On 24 April 2017 at 10:24 PM, billum said:

    I want Robert Plant solo Friday, Page-Plant Saturday, full Zep reunion Sunday, or I'm not getting out of my sleeping bag

    (but yes it's going to be all that but replaced with members of Coldplay)

    and Them Crooked Vultures on the Other on Friday just to complete the lineup.

  8. Thanks for the tips, the sponge down is a good idea. We've been spoiled for a few years now since we stopped camping and got a caravan, so it'll be back to the past for us.

    I've had Glasto on my to do list for a about 10 years, and with various things it was not possible until 2015. So two years of trying to get tickets and failing, and then success for 2017.

    Can't wait to get there on the Tuesday and get my first view of the place. And hopefully spot a few familiar flags :-)

  9. Thanks for the replies. Lots of good information here. We're arriving on the Tuesday so will have plenty of time to get set up and familiar with the place before the gates open on Wednesday.

    I've even got my fishing rod and flag ready. The flag is the Breton flag - which is no connection to us at all, but I like it and I'm hoping it will be fairly unusual and therefore easy to find. 

    We've got two gas tanks (9kg), so I don't think we will run out. We're used to using electric hook up, and the gas lasts for ever! So not sure what we'll use for fridge and a bit of heating. But if we're on the the second tank sooner than expected we can sacrifice the heat and fridge and make sure we can still shower. :-)

    Regarding the levelling, is the site fairly flat or will there be a lot of levelling required? 

  10. Hi,

    First time at Glasto and staying at Campervan East field, and I've a few questions.

    I read there are stand pipes for filling an aquaroll. Are there plenty of these or will there be big queues?

    And the same question about the facilities for emptying waste water and portaloo. Should I expect to queue?

    I hear you can buy most things at the festival. Does this go as far as caravan gas cylinders? (We use FloGas.) I'm not expecting to run out but it would be good to know if there was an option to buy a refill.

    Any advice on what to expect from any regulars much appreciated.



  11. 5 minutes ago, IanBelfast said:

    I was getting excited that we'd get an announcement on the 100-days-to-go date - which is tomorrow!
    But I have absolutely zero evidence behind this - just vain hope.

    Just realised I got my maths wrong. 100d has already happened, it's not tomorrow!
    Oh well - just have to be patient I suppose.

  12. Thanks for all the replies. Sounds like there is a peak moving time from mid morning to lunch time. Does it calm down quickly in the early afternoon?

    The flight is not until evening, so I'll definitely get them there for that. (And if I drop them early they they can spend the day hanging around Bristol airport.) It's the 4hr+ drive to St Ives after I drop them off I need to think about now.

  13. Hi,

    I'm a Glasto first timer, so no previous experience to draw on. This year I'll be in the Campervan Field East; and on the Monday after I'm dropping my two (big) kids off a Bristol airport so they can fly home and we can then enjoy a lovely week of RnR in Cornwall.

    I was just wondering what the traffic is like leaving Campervan Field East on the Monday. Are there huge queues to leave the fields and then to head East towards Bristol? Or does it all flow fairly easily?

    I know this is all fairly weather dependent, and last year was probably as bad as it gets. But if any one has been in Campervan Field East a few times and can give me an idea of how long to allow to get out of the field on the Monday it will help with the planning.

    Their flight is late in the day, so I'm not worried about them missing it, but I'd like to be leaving the field around 11:00 or 12:00.


  14. Good advice on the walking and fitness. I'd read about the sheer size of the place and the amount of walking required! And dancing til sun rise just sounds like something I've not done for years - but looking forward to it!

    I'll be 51 before getting to my first Glasto! But a keen cyclist and hill walker, so the boots and walking practise are taken care off already, and I'll be training up for a big cycle sportif in early June so all going well the lungs will be in good condition too.

  15. Hi,

    I'm a Glasto first timer, so apols if this is a silly question. I've been through the FAQs and I think I know the answer, but you lot seem like a friendly lot, so I thought I'd just ask.

    Having finally had a successful year getting tickets (after many years of trying), and also being successful getting my campervan field tickets. I'm just wondering if there is anything else I need to be aware of?

    I know there is the balance to be paid, week beginning 1st April. Are there any other deadlines I need to be aware of? I'd be kicking myself if there was something I missed, because I wasn't aware of it.


  16. Hi,

    Just wondering about the rules around the family CV pitch. Is this just enforced by goodwill, or is there anything to stop someone (i.e. without a family) buying a Family CV pitch?

    I'm actually hoping to get a normal East CV pitch on Thursday, but I'm just wondering what happens is some are sold out and others are not. (Although from reading the forums I suspect the Family East and the West will probably sell out before the normal East pitches, so this may be a silly question.)


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