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Posts posted by Bluebella

  1. 42 minutes ago, amfy said:

    "national narrative shifting."

    "The press seem to be starting to want to talk him up."

    Isn't that exactly what happened with Tony Blair though? New Labour! For the people! Everyone was tired of the Tory sleaze and Labour was promising something refreshing.. then a just few years later it's "war criminal" "this guy should be hung for treason" "there's no money left!", and so on...

    I concur with "I judge politicians on results, not just good intentions and ideas. "

  2. What were your special moments of 2017? 

    I was a TV watcher and here are a few of mine:

    Stormzy! Not really my thing but he was the first to make me shed a tear when he sang for his mum "look at me now Mum, performing to 30,000 people". I then shed another tear when I spotted a woman who looked about 80 dancing and having the time of her life near the barrier, and again another when Stormzy gave a young teenage lad his jacket, his face was priceless.

    Anderson Paak's smile.

    Father John Misty performing "Honey Bear", reaching out into the audience hugging people, some guy has his arms around him and his face was screwed up in a ball of ecstasy.

    The Flaming Lips performing "Do You Realise" to an intimate and mesmerised audience at The Park,  with rainbows, glitter and psychedelic lights shooting from the stage.

    "You realize that life goes fast
    It's hard to make the good things last
    You realize the sun doesn't go down
    It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round
    Do you realize, oh, oh, oh?
    Do you realize that everyone you know
    Someday will die?"
  3. 3 hours ago, Uh-Oh! said:

    An obrservation pal, so take your head out of your PC ass, I aint doing some fuckin whataboutery shit with you, The pushy young girls was a thing this year, true other acts of dickheadery were available, but loads of people were commenting on being shoved in the back whilst watching a gig and having a train of girls barge past, normally followed by their beta boyfriends


    NB. Thinking about it, I did not see many men behaving badly other than just general drunken tomfoolery. Perhaps you were camped at dickhead central or something

    I'm pretty sure I see people complaining about strings of hand-holding girls pushing past every year. I think the general consensus was just to man-up, ignore it and  carry on having a good time. You could come and have a good moan about it but I can guarantee they will be back next time and not sure what you can do about it apart from get your knickers in a twist. B)

  4. My living room became a Glastonbury stage for the weekend. Stuck a big sound system on the TV, filled the fridge with ciders and had a lovely barby going outside.

    No way was I going to let a lack of tickets stop me from enjoying Glastonbury... I even have post Glasto blues.

    See you all on ticket day!

    • Upvote 2
  5. I caught them at West Holts in 2013 and went down to get a signed album after the show, Nile was late for his plane and his handlers were trying to drag him off but he was loving meeting everyone and stayed to have a friendly chat, saying how much he loved his Glastonbury experience!

  6. 4 minutes ago, formed a band said:

    Well I simply concurred with another poster, and while I agree that the admin must be difficult it perhaps appears they have bitten off more than they can chew while it seems numbers across the board remain large and or perhaps increase . 

    One of the major reasons they had to install the super fence was for crowd control. Numbers today are far less than pre-fence days, and I don't think the issue is the numbers but rather the demographics of the crowds and making sure the distribution is balanced. Key to that would be them understanding the audiences and making sure that the line-up is arranged to attract the appropriate numbers to the various stages, at the right times.

    Sound levels- this actually causes at lot of issues. Although they stagger the finishing times, having to keep the levels lower after a certain time kills the atmosphere at various stages (see the Jackson thread). Silver Hayes for example is often a victim of this - there's nothing worse than watching a bass heavy performance and being able to hear yourself speak. Poor atmosphere means people wont come/stay.

    Secret sets causing crushes could be avoided by having them inside venues with entrance queues, like Thom Yorks dj set in Heaven a couple years back. Also keeping them truly secret? I must admit I don't really get the point of the "secret sets" in their current form, maybe they should just announce the acts and plan accordingly.

    Things like the fireworks which have narrow entry points and two way traffic definitely need fixing.

    • Upvote 2
  7. 17 minutes ago, formed a band said:

    This , exactly this if not been for 4 or 5 years and what I've seen on the telly doesn't really make me want to go back , it just looks deeply unpleasant . The Glastonbury admin is shocking and is because of the aforementioned greed 


    Crowd managing 250,000  people crammed into a few fields for 5 days, must take a large amount of planning. They have to estimate the distribution of people over the 100+ stages and walkways, taking into account all the variables like weather and ground conditions. Some things can be much harder to plan for like a bad performance and an unexpected exodus from a stage,  or a group getting a massive boost in popularity right before the festival due to a single taking off.

    I've read many times on here about people being surprised by how small or big a certain crowd was so I think the best they can do is make sure that potential crush point are eradicated.

    I think it's completely unfair to blame them because of greed though. What actual proof of this do you have?



    • Upvote 1
  8. 16 hours ago, datkid said:

    Hey first time going boomtown, i unfortunately turn 18 two weeks after the festival and so am having to go with a teen ticket.

    i am wonderin, is this going to restrict me in many ways once im there ?? are there some stages or venues i wont be allowed into a certain time or do they not really mind ?? are there checks going into different districts ?? i definilty look above 18 so thats a factor

    thank you very much for any replies would be great !!

    Are you going with a 30+ adult? I'm not sure how strictly they enforce the rules but here they are:

    • Teenage ticket holders are welcome in Downtown until 10pm, from when Security will request for under 18s to leave the area and return to the Hilltop.
    • All teen ticket holders must be accompanied by a parent/guardian aged 30 or over, who is responsible for them throughout the duration of the festival.
    •  Whilst we do not expect older children and teenagers to be with their parent or guardian at all times, we do expect them to camp together, and for the child/teenager to know the location of their adult, and have means of contacting them, or agreed meeting points. 
    • ID checks will be carried out at the entry gates for anyone who looks under 18 years old.
    • Challenge 25 operates on all gates as well as all bars.
  9. 17 minutes ago, waterfalls212434 said:

    I think people need to think of this from the eavis`s and other festival organisers point of view, it is widly known there is an increased security risk at the moment, if they didn't increase the level of security at the festival and something did happen can you imagine the criticism that would come their way in all directions. Not to mention the personal guilt? 

    When your willing to shoulder the responsibility for the safety of tens of thousands of people then maybe you can judge but until then I think we should be more understanding of whats behind this. Would the police for example have even allowed the festival to go ahead without the increased security? If Glastonbury `hadn't` been willing to make any changes they may have seen it as an unacceptable risk esp with the amount of people involved and revoked the license.. 

    I am not a fan of it myself but I understand why its being done, this sadly is the current world we live in, Its only on the gates into the festival anyway so many drama queens here, people talking as if you wont be able to leave your tent without a pat down. By all accounts once your in your in, sorted, festival as normal.

    As I said its easy to judge the festival organisers for taking these steps, calling them draconian etc....but its not you whose taking the responsibility for all these peoples safety is it? 

    Just be sensible, bring water, have your hat and sunscreen on hand and just chill out in the line have a laugh with the people around you, you think the security themselves have a nice time being stuck in this heat searching people? they will have just as much interest as you as getting people through as quick as they can. Go easy on them, have a laugh with them, dont be a dick to people just trying to do their job, and once you are finally inside just enjoy yourself as you always have. Simples.

    As many have pointed out, this extra security does not make anyone safer from terrorist attacks it only causes festival goers more inconvenience, worry and discomfort. The Manchester arena attack happened outside in the queue, the attack yesterday happened down the road from the mosque, not inside it. The recent attacks have adapted to our high surveillance state and gone low tech using things likes knives and vehicles as weapons. 

    The lunatics will come up with plans to suit what ever situation they have available to them, when one option becomes unviable, they will simply choose another option. The only way to prevent terrorist attacks is to prevent people from wanting to mindlessly kill in the first place.

    All these "draconian" knee-jerk laws being put into place are only preventing us from doing things not the terrorists, as you can see by turning on the news.

    "Would the police for example have even allowed the festival to go ahead without the increased security?" I think this sums up why this makes people so uneasy.

  10. 17 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

    Folk collapsing with heatstroke in 2010 is like watching the Pistols at the 100 Club or Oasis at King Tuts.  Nowhere near the numbers claimed.  

    Some of the latest forecasting models are now showing potential record breaking temperatures on the wednesday, so that would make it even hotter than 2010.

  11. 5 minutes ago, bsolxiv said:


    I think now's a good time to point out that those space blankets and some duct tape are quite helpful to keep the tent a few degrees cooler. :heat:

  12. I think its perfecty ok for the festival to have political leanings however I must admit that I see a lot of hypocrisy too.

    For example, take a look around you on Monday at all the rampant consumerism and waste. How does this fit into "for the people policies"? Britain the worlds 5th largest consumer market once again taking a large share of resources and leaving it dumped on a field. How much of that gear was made in third world sweat shops I wonder? This is despite the multiple charities and messages relentlessly trying to educate people to be more considerate.

    It seems that when it suits them, a fair amount of Glastonbury goers may have a lot more in common with the Tories they vilify than they realise.


  13. Just a note for anyone thinking of getting a ticket from someone else:

    Names on Tickets
    The name on your ticket must match the name on your ID. You can update the names on your tickets by logging into your account. (https://www.theticketsellers.co.uk/your_account/) Please do this before you print your tickets and you will be resent this email with the correct details. Names can be changed a maximum of three times. If you see (MD) on your ticket, it means Missing Data - please log in to add it.

    ID/Age Policy
    ID will be checked on the gates. If you are under 18 and have bought an Adult ticket, you will not get in. Unaccompanied children & teens (13-17) cannot enter the festival. Please read about our Age Policy and accepted ID here.

  14. 1 hour ago, manxboba said:

    Just got my eticket and it mentions the drink restrictions on there.

    How thorough do they usually enforce this?
    Only 16 cans or 3 litres of wine isnt alot for a weekend so it sounds like it will get expensive buying all the drink at the bars!! 

    If you read over the Boomtown threads I think that the consensus is that they do check and lots of booze gets discarded/drunk in the entry queue.

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