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Jack Bynoe

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Posts posted by Jack Bynoe

  1. Seems like they had some big problems with the park and ride last night. Nowhere near enough buses, and people were advised to walk on the unlit road with no footpath (I walked it today and it's dangerous even in the daytime!). And today the park and ride bus didn't turn up. 

    Still, I had a lot of fun. Even though I did drink slightly too much perhaps... 

  2. I'm very surprised PSB were only on for 45 minutes (not that I was there!). Surely for a band like them it wouldn't cost the festival more to book them for a longer set? Though I'm sure these things are far more complicated than they may seem.

  3. Yeah, it seems that the parking has been a bit farcical. I'm glad I'm planning on walking now! Can't have been cheap to arrange the park and ride at such short notice. 

    On the train down from Edinburgh. Looking forward to the beers in particular! 

    Someone's posted today's running order on twitter, I'll try and attach. 


  4. 5 hours ago, renrutbor said:

    The walk from Goostrey is easy enough, it doesn't have a footpath the whole day which I guess is why they advise people not to do it but it was a nice scenic walk when I went to Flaming Lips a few years ago. Enjoy all, quite excited now!

    Thanks! I have vague memories of the road (and lack of footpath) from my youth. I'll brave it, I'll make sure I'm sensible. 

    It's a little annoying that they're so secretive about the stage times, but I suppose their business model relies on selling programmes. The upside is without meticulous planning I'm more likely to discover something new.

  5. A friend of a friend can't make this so I've selflessly offered to take her ticket off her, though I'm working in Edinburgh tonight and again on Monday, so I'll just be there for the Saturday. Sadly too late to get a coach, so I'll have to brave the road from Goostrey station, against all advice. 

    I've been promised that the person selling the ticket has some sort of "glamping" option bought so I hopefully won't have to squeeze a tent in somewhere 24 hours after everyone else has arrived. We'll see anyway! 

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