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Posts posted by Amme1234

  1. 2 hours ago, Mezhyp1 said:

    I read the OP slightly perplexed, who gives one single flying fuck what the wristband looks like, when it lets you into the best show on earth? 

    Carry on


    26 minutes ago, H.M.V said:

    Off ye go then to discover it. Kiss kiss. Don't rush back. 


  2. 2 hours ago, fur_q said:

    I was served a macchiato  with slightly too much milk, I've written to the council asking them to revoke the festival's license. 

    Can't believe you drink milk and contribute to the cruelty of the dairy industry. Do you know how many puss cells are in milk? Not your mum not your milk. 

  3. 5 hours ago, Nobody Interesting said:

    Err, yes I did. And I also loved my wristband and moaned about nothing except idiots like you who like moning.

    Have  a lovely pissy day.

    You sound like you're five years old, take a joke!! You've got too much time on your hands xx

    52 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

    Yeah I know. Had a shit start to the day and seeing a cockwomble  moaning about wristbands grabbed my goat.

    I have now had some Guinness so feel calmer and will not let the twat get to me again ;)

    Yh I've got your goat when do you want it back? 

    Also im really concerned you've had to turn to alcohol to feel calmer based on a forum thread, is there anyone you can talk to about this? Maybe you should go outside for a few minutes and appriciate the good weather instead of the screen you're sat in front of.  Also Guinness is really rank you cockwomble 

  4. 53 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

    Really? You went to the best festival in the world and this is what you took back home as your over riding thought.

    Some people seem to just like moaning.

    No I also took back my tent my belongings. DID YOU?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. 50 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

    Really? You went to the best festival in the world and this is what you took back home as your over riding thought.

    Some people seem to just like moaning.


    5 minutes ago, H.M.V said:

    Fucking hell. Lot of people on a downer at the moment and whining about all kinds of shite about the festival but this takes the digestive.  

    Looking like t day is gonna be a piece of piss judging by the threads on here at the moment. 

    I like digestives too but better with chocolate on top. Hope your day is piss free xxxx

  6. 14 hours ago, philipsteak said:

    I saw a bin in West Holts that had a pretty poor paint job. Ruined my festival. Not sure I I'll bother next year

    Yh probs best not to then!! Hope it didn't ruin your festival too much though xx

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