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Linda Walsh

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Posts posted by Linda Walsh

  1. I booked the two tents hoping my friends would get tickets and take the second. They didn't and I stupidly missed the deadline to get a refund. This is my first time at WV but friends who go every year tell me I just have to name the people for the other tent. I also have a car parking ticket to sell - again for face value (£35). I went a bit mad and covered all bases this year! If anyone is interested let me know asap please. 

  2. Hello. Linda here. This will be about my 12th Glastonbury and I'm as excited as ever! Unfortunately, two of my friends can't make it and I now have a two-man pre-erected tent at Worthy View to sell. The camp site has hot showers, a place to dry your hair, charge your phone, security, a bar etc. I don't want to make money on it - the face value is £225. I also have a spare car parking ticket to sell - also face value at £35. Let me know if you are interested. 

  3. I have a spare two-man pre-erected tent at Worthy View camp site as friends didn't get a ticket for the festival. The site has hot showers, security, a place to dry your hair and charge your phone, and its own bar/cafe. £225 - this is the face value. 

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