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Posts posted by kittymary

  1. I would also recommend discussing it with your midwife closer to the time, particularly if any complications arise- eg. high blood pressure etc. Your midwife will be able to advise whether there's anything you could do to help make sure you don't have any problems. It certainly isn't uncommon for pregnant women to come to Glastonbury, and after all, pregnancy isn't an illness and shouldn't interfere with most normal activities.

    It's worth remembering that food poisoning is a more serious matter in pregnancy, which is why pregnant women are advised to avoid food considered to be higher risk like smelly cheeses and uncooked eggs etc. It might be worth getting some alcohol hand sanitiser gel to make keeping hands clean easier, and take extra care to wash hands thoroughly, particularly before eating. Festival tummy bugs are unpleasant enough to want to avoid anyway.

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